Page:The Book of Orders of Knighthood and Decorations of Honour of All Nations.djvu/510

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horseback (Tab. II. No. 8). It is worn across the right shoulder towards the left hip, by a flame-coloured ribbon. The silver star (No. 8) is worn on the left breast, and contains the initials, 'S. A.' (Saint Alexander), beneath an Imperial crown. In the red ring round the initials, is seen the motto of the Order (in the Russian language): " For Merit of the Fatherland. '

The Order is both civil and military, and consists of only one class. The rank of the candidate must, at least, be that of Major-General.

The Knights of St. Andrew wear, usually, the present cross round the neck suspended by a narrow ribbon, but on solemn occasions, they must carry it by the large ribbon, and must also dress in the costume of the Order, which consists of a mantle of red velvet with white facings, of a jacket of silver stuff, and of a black hat with a white feather.

Twelve Knights, including five spiritual members, divide among themselves the annual pension of 7014 roubles, and 8 copecks (£1169).

Every member pays 180 roubles entrance fee.

The annual festival of the Order is held on the 30th September (old style).

The decoration, set in diamonds, is a high mark of honour, granted by the Emperor only for peculiar services or distinction.


This Order belonged originally to the House of Holstein-Sleswig, and was founded on the 14th February, 1735, at. Kiel, by Duke Charles Frederick, in memory of the Empress Ann, and an honour of the Duchess Ann Petrowna,