Page:The Book of Orders of Knighthood and Decorations of Honour of All Nations.djvu/570

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To the first and second classes, for distinguished merit in those entrusted with the command of a regiment, division, or army.

Should the Grand Master approve of the proposal, the candidate receives from the tribunal the diploma or patent, while he is decorated with the insignia by a Knight specially commissioned by the Grand Master for the purpose, in the presence of the troops, after having had read to him the following oath:

"You swear that you will live and die true to the King and to honour, that you will never bear arms in foreign service, nor ever belong, without royal permission, to any sect or association, contrary to the loyalty you have sworn to your King, or in opposition to the laws of the land."

Whereupon the candidate laying his hand upon his heart, answers: "I swear it."

The nomination of a new Knight is made known to all regiments, and to the public at large by the public press, in which the merits of the claim are given in full detail. Knights, who are not officers by rank, receive an annual pension of 120 lire.

The claim to the Order is not confined to Catholics alone. Christians of any denomination may aspire to it.

All Knights are allowed to adorn the decoration with their own crests.

The annual festival is held on St. Amadeus' day.


Was founded by King Charles Albert, at Turin, on the 30th October, 1831. The statutes say:

"The history of past ages, as also the events of recent