Page:The Book of Orders of Knighthood and Decorations of Honour of All Nations.djvu/573

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us the decision of the Council in all the details, which we may sanction or not, according to our view of the case.

"10. The same Minister shall lay before us, for signature, the diploma of the approved candidate, who is to take the oath in his presence, binding himself to be true to us, to obey our laws, not to violate morals and decency in his works, and not to teach anything that may clash with the Roman Catholic creed, or with the principles of our monarchy.

"11. The Knights of the Civil Order of Savoy shall be admitted to Court, and the same marks of honour shall be shown to them as to the Knights of St. Maurice, St. Lazarus, or of the Military Order of Savoy.

"12. The following pensions shall be attached to the Order, namely: 1000 lire to ten Knights, 800 to ten, and 600 to twenty, making a total of forty members, enjoying pensions amounting in all to 30,000 lire."


1. Cross of Loyalty.—It was founded in 1814, by Victor Emanuel, for those of his subjects who gave proofs of loyalty and devotion to him during the French occupation of the country.

2. Military Medal.—As the rigour and strict limitation of the statutes frequently interfered with the bestowal of the Military Cross for noble and heroic deeds, which had proved of important benefit to the country and the army, King Charles Albert instituted, on the 26th March, 1833, for the army and navy, a decoration consisting of a gold and silver medal, (Plate 77. Tab. II. Nos. 10 and 11), of which the obverse shows a cross beneath a crown, with the legend: 'Al valore militare,'