Page:The Book of Orders of Knighthood and Decorations of Honour of All Nations.djvu/613

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The second class Commanders wear it round the neck, suspended by a narrow red ribbon which reaches down to the breast.

The third class Knights suspend it in smaller size at the button-hole, by a similar ribbon.

The annual festival of the Order is now celebrated on the 18th October, which is also the national festival day of the liberation of the country from foreign rule.

A subscription is then made for the widows and orphans of fallen soldiers, as mentioned in § 3 as one of the duties imposed upon the members,

On the 16th February, 1840, Duke Charles Frederick introduced the following modifications in the statutes:

1. As a mark of special distinction, the Commanders may sometimes be favoured with a star (No. 2) to be worn on the left side of the breast.

2. Those specially favoured must occupy the rank (in civil service) of a privy counsellor, president, &c., and, in military service, of, at least, a Colonel.

3. The third class Knights are divided into two sections. The decoration of the first section remains unaltered, while that of the second now consists of a cross of honour, the middle of the obverse exhibiting a white falcon, and that of the reverse the initial of the reigning Grand Duke and dispenser of the Order. The cross is to be fastened to the button-hole by a narrow red ribbon (No. 5).

No. 6 represents the collar of the Order.


1. Cross of Distinction.—It was instituted by the Grand Duke as reward for military service and discipline.