Page:The Book of Orders of Knighthood and Decorations of Honour of All Nations.djvu/685

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memoration of the recapture of Seville on the 27th August, 1812. It is of gold for officers, and of bronze for privates.

19. Cross for the brave soldiers of the first army who distinguished themselves in the war of independence, especially in Catalonia. It was founded on the 31st March, 1815.

20. Cross, founded on the 31st March, 1815, for the troops of the second army, who had distinguished themselves in Murcia.

21. Cross for the third army, commanded by the Duke Albuquerque, in the island of Léon, and at the defence of Cadiz. It was also founded on the 31st March, 1815.

22. Cross, instituted on the 2nd April, 1815, in commemoratlon of the Battle of Vittoria, on the 21st June, 1813, won by the divisions of the 4th Corps of the Army, under the command of the Captain-General, the Duke of Ciudad Rodrigo (Wellington), and Field-Marshal, D. Francisco Thomas de Longa.

23. Cross of merit for the Artillery Corps, for the defence of the castle San Lorenzo del Puntal, in the environs of Cadiz, in 1814. It was founded on the 10th April, 1815.

24. Cross founded on the same day in commemoration of the defence of Astorza against the Corps-d'armée of Junot.

25. Cross founded on the 27th April, 1815, in commemoration of the Battle of Valls, in Catalonia, on the 25th February, 1809, which was won by General Reding.

26. Cross conferred on a Grenadier column (second Army Corps, third division) for the sanguinary battle near Ordal, in Catalonia, on the night of the 12th September, 1813.

27. Cross founded on the 14th May, 1815, for the troops under Don Juan Senen de Contreras, who succeeded in prolonging for two months the defence of Tarragona.

28. Cross founded on the same day for the soldiers of the small Army Corps of Arragon, under the command of Don Joachim Blake, who had distinguished themselves at the