Page:The Book of Orders of Knighthood and Decorations of Honour of All Nations.djvu/702

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The entrance-fee of a Commander is 12 rixthalers, 12 skillings, stamp duty, and 2 rixthalers, Chancery dues: that of Knight of the Grand Cross, 20 rixthalers banco, or 5 ducats in gold, and that of the Knights is 2 rixthalers and 24 skillings stamp duty, and 2 rixthalers Chancery dues.

The badge is a gold octagonal white-enamelled cross, sur- mounted by a gold crown (Plate 91, Tab. I. No 5). Between the angles are gold crowns, and above them crossed swords, entwined by their appendages. Upon the blue middle are exhibited, on the obverse, three gold crowns with a gold sword in the centre, and, on the reverse, a similar sword, with a laurel wreath upon its point, surrounded by the words: ‘Pro patria.’ The first class wear the badge across the left shoulder, towards the right side, by a yellow ribbon with blue borders, accompanied by a star (No. 4), em- broidered in silver upon the left breast.

The second class wear it, of a smaller size, round the neck, by a somewhat narrower ribbon, accompanied by a sword of silver, or embroidered in silver upon, the left breast. Those who have entered the second class, from the third, are dis- tinguished by two crossed swords on the breast, while those who pass from the second class into the Order of the Seraphim, or are nominated commander of some other Order, wear the sword below the star of the Seraphim or other Order. The third class wear the Grand Cross by. a still narrower ribbon round the neck. The cross of that class has the two crossed swords only between the two upper arms. The same cross is also worn by the fourth class at the button-hole, suspended by a very narrow ribbon.

The costume of the Order, bright blue and white, is the old national colour. When worn with this costume, the decoration is appended to a chain (No. 6), consisting of swords and appendages, and eleven blue helmets upon golden shields.