Page:The Book of Orders of Knighthood and Decorations of Honour of All Nations.djvu/727

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The Sultan Selim III., under the impression that radical reforms could alone save his tottering empire from utter ruin, resolved to introduce into Turkey various useful customs and regulations prevailing in the civilized states of Europe, and amongst others, the creation of decorations. He accordingly founded in 1799, the Order of the Crescent; but, owing to national prejudices, he was obliged to confine its distribution to foreigners. Nelson was the first who received it, for his victory of Abukir, and General Sebastiani, the next, for his defence of Constantinople against the English fleet, in 1807. The insurrection of the Janissaries suspended all further attempts at reform, until the accession of Mahmud, who resumed the schemes of progress commenced by his uncle.

After the annihilation of the Janissaries, Mahmud resolved (1827) to re-organize his troops, and introduce, at the same time, military distinctions of merit and honour. He instituted, accordingly, a gold medal, set in diamonds, bearing his initial, and conferred it on several of his officers. He next instituted a medal with his portrait, also set in diamonds (Plate 96, No. 3), which he presented to many great dignitaries of state, and to a few foreign Ambassadors; still later, on the 19th August, 1831, he founded the Badge of Glory, or the decoration of