Page:The Book of Orders of Knighthood and Decorations of Honour of All Nations.djvu/742

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enterprizes and victories by which they freed, on the one hand, about six thousand Christians from slavery, and altogether more than fifteen thousand human beings, while they took, on the other hand, an equal number of Turkish prisoners.

The Order shared, at last, the fate of the feudal system, and was suffered to remain in oblivion until 22nd December, 1817, when it was resuscitated by the Grand Duke Ferdinand III. who, at the same time, promulgated the statutes and decreed that:

Every Catholic nobleman, native or foreign, who can show noble descent through eight generations, and an annual income of 300 scudi, may become a real Knight (Knight by right).

The decoration is given under Plate 97, No. 2. The Grand Crosses (class 1) wear it over the shoulder; the Priors (class 2), and Baillies (class 3), round the neck; and the Knights (class 4), at the button-hole. All classes carry, besides, the star (No. 1) on the left breast.

The costume on procession days, and in the Chapter, consists of along robe of white camlet, lined with red silk, and an over garment of the same stuff and lining. The military costume is royal blue, with facing and collar of scarlet cloth, and with gold embroidery; the breeches are trimmed with gold lace, the epaulettes have thick tassels, and the buttons sword-guard, spurs, and hat-cord are of gold. The Knights wear besides a military State uniform, the same as the above, except that the colour is white instead of blue.

The Dignitaries of the Order are: the Grand Commander, the Great Constable, the Admiral, the Grand Prior, the Treasurer, and the Prior of the Church.