Page:The Book of Orders of Knighthood and Decorations of Honour of All Nations.djvu/823

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GARDEN ENGINES, SYRINGES, &c—CAUTION.—The well-known reputation of READ’S ENGINES, MACHINES, and SYRINGES, has led to the nefarious practice of placing cards in shop windows with the words “ Read’s Patent” upon Syringes of the very commonest description. R. READ begs to caution the Public against being deceived by such false representations, as many of these instruments, upon trial, will be found defective and useless,

Read’s Instruments have the Royal Arms and Address, ‘35, Regent Circus, London.”


THE PEN SUPERSEDED.—MARKING LINEN WITH THE PATENT ELECTRO-SILVER PLATES prevents the Ink spreading, and never washes out. By means of this novel invention all kinds of Linen can be marked with Initials, Name, Crest, &c. Any person can use them. Initial Plate, 1s.; Name, 2s.; Set of Moveable Numbers, 2s.; Crest, 5s.; Book Plate with Arms, 10s. Sent post-free to any part on receipt of stamps. Family Arms found, correct sketch, 2s. Stamps with shifting dates, and moveable alphabets of every kind.

Caution!—Several persons are travelling from door to door selling common plates, which are useless, and committing robberies at the houses. This is to give notice that I employ no travellers whatever.

T. Culleton, Patentee, 2, Long Acre, Corner of St. Martin’s Lane, Heraldic Engraver to the Queen and Royal Family.


DR. ROBERTS’ CELEBRATED OINTMENT, called the POOR MAN'S FRIEND, is confidently recommended to the public as an unfailing remedy for wounds of every description, a certain cure for ulcerated sore legs, if of twenty years’ standing, cuts, burns, scalds, bruises, chilblains, scorbutic eruptions, and pimples on the face, sore and inflamed eyes, sore heads, sore breasts, piles, fistula, and cancerous humours, &c. Sold in Pots, at 1s. 14d., 2s. 9d., 11s., and 22s. each. Also his PILULÆ ANTISCROPHULÆ, confirmed by 60 years’ successful experience to be, without exception, one of the best alitrative medicines ever compounded for purifying the blood and assisting nature in all her operations ; hence they are used in scrofulas, scorbutic complaints, glandular swellings, particularly those of the neck, &c: They form a mild and superior family aperient, that may be lee at all times without confinement or change of diet. Sold in Boxes, at 1s. 1d., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., 11s., and 22s. each.

Sold Wholesale by the Proprietors, Beach & Barnicot, at their Dispensary, Bridport, and by the London Houses; and retail by all respectable medicine vendors in the United Kingdom and the Colonies, &c.

Observe.—No Medicines sold under the above names can possibly be genuine unless "Beach & Barnicott, late Dr. Roberts, Bridport," is engraved and printed, on the Government stamp affixed to each packet.