Page:The Book of the Duke of True Lovers - 1908.djvu/127

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longing, and how my dear kinsman gave himself much trouble, with the result that I was delivered from my trouble by my lady, who had mercy on me, thanks be to her. And I will tell how that from that time I went to and fro. Thenceforth I was happy even as you have heard, and because of the joy which I had, I devised this ballad:—


In all the world is none so happy here
Nor is there any joy to match with mine,
Since she that hath no rival and no peer
Doth mercifully to my suit incline.
Her slave am I till death, for all my pain
In very truth hath met with guerdon meet:
She was my help on whom I called amain,
For she hath granted me her love so sweet.

Fair queen, in whom all nobleness is clear,
Thou would'st not have me for thy presence pine:
Nay, bid me cry in every lover's ear,
"Thirsty was I for Love's immortal wine!"
Not all my weeping might the gift obtain,
Yet she, enthroned on beauty's mercy-seat,
Hath pardoned all: too soon did I complain,
For she hath granted me her love so sweet.

Now to delight returns the torrent drear
That of my mourning was the sorry sign;