Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 7.djvu/114

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straightway commanded to decorate the city in honour of the safe return of his brother’s daughter, and sending for her and Seif el Mulouk, saluted them and gave them joy of their safety; after which he despatched a messenger to his brother, to let him know that his daughter was found and was with him. As soon as the news reached Taj el Mulouk, he assembled his troops and set out for his brother’s capital, where he found his daughter and they rejoiced with an exceeding joy. He sojourned with his brother a week, after which he took his daughter and Seif el Mulouk and returned to Serendib, where the princess foregathered with her mother and they rejoiced and held high festival in honour of her safe return; and it was a great day, never was seen its like.

As for Seif el Mulouk, the king entreated him with honour and said to him, ‘O Seif el Mulouk, thou hast done me and my daughter all this good and I cannot requite thee therefor, nor can any requite thee, save the Lord of all creatures; but I wish thee to sit upon the throne in my stead and rule the land of Hind, for I make gift to thee of my throne and kingdom and treasures and servants.’ Whereupon Seif rose and kissing the earth before the king, thanked him and answered, saying, ‘O King of the age, I accept all thou givest me and return it to thee in free gift: for I covet not kingship nor sultanate nor desire aught but that God the Most High bring me to my desire.’ ‘O Seif el Mulouk,’ rejoined the king, ‘these my treasures are at thy disposal: take of them what thou wilt, without consulting me, and God requite thee for me with all good!’ Quoth the prince, ‘God advance the king! Indeed, there is no delight for me in treasure or dominion, till I attain my desire: but now I have a mind to take my pleasure in the city and view its streets and markets.’

So the king commanded to bring him a horse of the