Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 7.djvu/288

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perils, even to how Queen Nour el Huda would have slain him and his wife and children and none saved them from her but God the Most High. Moreover, he related to her the adventure of the cap and the wand and how Abdulcuddous and Abourruweish had sought them of him and he had not agreed to give them to them but for her sake; wherefore she thanked him and wished him long life; and he said, ‘By Allah, I shall never forget all the kindness thou hast done me, first and last!’

Night dcccxxxi.Then she turned to his wife Menar es Sena and embraced her and pressed her children to her bosom, saying to her, ‘O daughter of the Supreme King, was there no pity in thy heart, that thou partedst him and his children and set his heart on fire for them? Didst thou desire by this that he should die?’ The princess laughed and answered, ‘Thus was it ordained of God (blessed and exalted be He!) and whoso beguileth folk, may God beguile him!’[1] Then they set on meat and drink, and they all ate and drank and made merry. They abode thus ten days feasting and merry-making, at the end of which time Hassan prepared to continue his journey. So his sister rose and made him ready riches and rarities, such as beggar description. Then she strained him to her bosom, because of leave-taking, and embraced him, whilst he recited the following verses on her account:

Solace from those who love far distant is, heigho! And severance of friends is nought but grievous woe.
Estrangement and disdain a sore affliction are And he who’s slain of love a martyr is, I trow.
How long is night on him who’s parted from his love, A lover left forlorn, how weariful and slow!
His tears upon his cheeks course down, what while he saith, ‘Ah woe is me for tears! Can more be yet to flow?’

  1. Apparently in allusion to the trick played her by Hassan in taking her feather-dress and so contriving to get her to wife.