Page:The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage.djvu/520

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[Fuegia, the

rands aequilongis curvatis, ramulis alternis subulatis furcatis v. alteme multiftdis, axillis acutis, stictis 3-4- v. pluriseriatis. Bostrycliia fastigiata, nolis in Lond. Jonrn. Bot. vol. iv. p. 269.

Hab. Hermite Island, Cape Horn ; on stones near high-water mark.

Pusitta, dense fastigiata. Frondes unc. longas, e basi in ramos plurinios primarios divisae, rubro-purpureae. Caidis brevissimus. Rami elongati, curvati, apicibus arete ineurvis, ramulis simplicibus multiiidisve ornati : — chartae laxe adhaeret.

Possibly only a variety of the preceding ; from which, however, it differs conspicuously in the very abbreviated stem, the consequently longer, more divided branches and the duller colour.

3. Stictoslphonia vaga, Hook. fil. et Harv. ; caulibus flexuosis vage dichotome ramosis, ramis paucis nudis simplicibus fihformibus subcapillaribus arcuatis medio incrassatis apicibus ineurvis, ramulis nullis, axillis patentibus, stictis minutis multiseriatis, stichidiis longissime pedunculitis lanceolatis acutis. Bos- trycliia vaga, nobis in Lond. Journ. Bot. vol. iv. p. 270. (Tab. CLXXXVI. Fig. I.)

Hab. Christmas Harbour, Kerguelen's Land; on rocks and stones above high-water mark, and in damp places at a considerable distance from the sea; abundant.

Dense caespitosa, fibs intertextis quasi crinita. Frondes - unc. longae, flexuosae, irregulariter ramosae, capillars. Siictcs parvse, 6-8-seriatae. Substantia rigida. Color luride purpureas : — chartae laxe adhaeret. A remarkably distinct bttle species, of very simple structure. It is abundant in Kerguelen's Land, sometimes inhabiting places some hundreds of feet above the sea, but probably always within reach of the spray.

Plate CLXXXVI. Fig. I. — Plant of the natural size ; 2, rami of ditto ; 3, portion of ditto ; 4, incrassated ramulus ; 5, ramulus and stichidium ; 6. tetraspores : — all magnified.

28. LAUREN IA, Lame.

1. Laurencia pinnatifida, Lamx. far. y. angustata, Hook. ; FL Antarct. Pt. 1. p. 184.

Hab. Berkeley Sound, Falkland Islands ; abundant on the beach.

One of the most widely dispersed of the Alga, inhabiting the shores of Europe from Norway to the Mediterranean ; the Canary Islands ; west coast of Africa, and Cape of Good Hope ; the Peninsula of India; Australia and New Zealand ; the Pacific Islands, and both coasts of North and South America. This very extended range has, however, its limits ; the plant is neither found so far north as Iceland in the Arctic Sea, nor in the south is it known to inhabit Cape Horn or Kerguelen's Land.

29. DELISEA, Mont.

1. Delisea pulchra, Mont, in Ann. Sc. Nat. Ser. iii. vol. i. p. 158. Bowiesia pulclira, Grev. Synops. Alg. p. 57. Bonnemaisonia elegans, Endl. Suppl. vol. iii. p. 44. Calocladia pulchra, Grev. Herb. Sphserococcus flaccidus, Su/ir. (Jid. Mont.)

Hab. Christmas Harbour, Kerguelen's Land ; common.

Magnificent specmiens of this noble Alga were collected by the Antarctic Expedition, though only in Kerguelen's Laud. The previously assigned habitat for the species is New Holland or Tasmania ; but we have seen no other specimens than Mr. Fraser's original one, labelled as from that quarter of the world. It therefore appears to us probable, that the specimen sent by Mr. Fraser, may have been collected in Mc'Quarrie's Island j whence other Antarctic plants were brought to that gentleman in Sydney, some of which have since found their way into our Herbaria as of Australian origin.