Page:The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage.djvu/523

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Falklands, etc.]


1. Nothogenia variolosa, Mont. Ft. Antarct. Pt. 1. p. 188.

Hab. Hermite Island, Cape Horn ; the Falkland Islands ; and Christmas Harbour, Kerguelen's Land; on rocks, very abundant.

An exceedingly variable plant in size and in the breadth of its fronds, simulating in the high southern latitudes the Chondnis crispus, as far as locabty and abundance are concerned. The southern species representing our Cliondrus crispus is the C. tuberculatus in Lord Auckland's Group, (where the Nothogenia also abounds,) and at the Cape of Good Hope the C. dilatatus.

33. DUMONTIA, Lamx.

1. Dumontia fliformis, Grev. Ft. Antarct. Pt. 1. p. 189.

Hab. Berkeley Sound, Falkland Islands ; rare.

Apparently identical with the European plant, which ranges from the Mediterranean to the British coasts.

34. GIGARTINA, Lamx.

1. Gigartina plicata, Grev. Alg. Brit. p. 15. Fucus plicatus, Engl. Bot. t. 1089.

Hab. Cape Pembroke, Falkland Islands ; Christinas Harbour, Kerguelen's Land ; abundant.

These examples so entirely accord with others of British growth, that it is unnecessary to separate them spefically. No specimens considered by any systematic botanist to belong to this Gigartina have been found between the latitudes of the south of Europe and Kerguelen's Land, except (according to Montagne) at Callao : yet the genus, under one or other of its Protean aspects, abounds throughout all tropical and temperate seas.

35. PTILOTA, Ag.

1. Ptilota Harveyi, Hook, fil.; caule compresso cartilagineo inarticulate anguste lineari furcato inordinateve ramosissimo, rarnis distichis pinnatirn decomposito-ramosis majoribus minoribusque pectinatim pinnulatis costa articulata percursis, pinnulis creberrimis sirnplicibus articulatis monosiphoniis abbreviatis subulatis oppositis, pinnularum articulis quadratis, favellis in ramulos terminahbus ramelhs pinnatis involucratis, tetrasporis ad apices pinnularum aggregatis nudis breve pedicellatis. Hook. fil. in Bond. Journ. Bot. vol. iv. p. 271. (Tab. CLXXXVII.)

Var. /3. pinnuhs subdistantibus.

Hab. Hermite Island, Cape Horn, and on the outer coasts of the Falkland Islands ; abundant.

Species pulcherrima, prima visu P. phimoses referenda, sed distinctissima. From 8 uuc. ad pedalem, e ramis patulis ejusdem latitudinis. Stipes gracilis, i fin. diametro, et per totam frondem eequilatus, irregulariter furcatim v. dichotome v. sub-puuiatim ramosissimus. Rami minores majoresque (jnniores proecipue) ramufis creberrimis articulatis 1 lin. longis pidchen'ime pectinati. Hamuli simplices, serie unica cellularum quadratarum cndocliromatc roseo repletarum constantes, ramis Callithamnio subsimiles.

This lovely plant is the Cape Horn and Falkland Island representative of the Boreal and Arctic P. sericea, Harv. (P. elegans, Kutz., Fucus sericeus, Gmel.) and of the Aucklaud Island P.formosissima, (t. LXXVII.) From