Page:The British Warblers A History with Problems of Their Lives - 2 of 9.djvu/62

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tipped with the whitish colour. The outer edge of the flight-feathers are narrowly margined with yellowish green, a trifle broader and lighter on the innermost secondaries. The under parts of the wings are grey, margined with a whitish colour. The under wing-coverts and axillaries are white, the latter being tinged with sulphur yellow. The upper part of the tail is brownish grey narrowly edged with olive green, and the shafts reddish brown, the under part light grey and the shafts white. The under parts of the body are whitish, striped with very indistinct sulphur yellow. The belly is pure white, the under tail-coverts light sulphur yellow, and the sides of the breast and flanks washed with light olive grey and striped with olive yellow. The bill is dark horn colour, and the base of the lower mandible ochre. Tarsus and toes are fleshy brown.


To Europe it is only an accidental visitor on migration. There are twenty records of its occurrence in Great Britain, nine of which have been in England, seven on Fair Isle, and one respectively at Sumburgh Head, Skerryvore Lighthouse in the outer Hebrides, Tearaght Lighthouse off co. Kerry, and Trescoe in the Scilly Isles.

There is only one record from France, one from Holland, and one specimen was killed at a lighthouse in Denmark, but on the island of Heligoland numerous specimens have been obtained, principally on autumn migration. To Germany, Italy and the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy it is only a rare straggler, but further east it gradually becomes more common. On migration it visits the districts round St. Petersburg, the valley of the Northern Dwina and the Province of Orenburg. The western breeding limit seems to be the Province of Perm. It occurs in the valleys of the Rivers Ob and Lena, and is very common in the valley of the Yenisei up to 70° northern latitude. It is also found near Kultuk, Tsurukaitui, along the