Page:The British Warblers A History with Problems of Their Lives - 5 of 9.djvu/86

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Adult in Autumn.— The upper parts are slightly more greyish buff, and the lower a brighter yellow. The autumn plumage of the young is similar to that of the adults.

Nestling.—The upper parts are almost buffish grey with a slight trace of olive, the under parts being ochre yellow.


This species seems to visit the South Coast only of England. There are two records from Sussex and one from Cornwall, but the southern part of Devonshire appears to have been repeatedly visited. In the remainder of the British Islands there has been only one occurrence, a specimen having been obtained at the Old Head Lighthouse. Kinsale, co. Cork, in September. On the Continent the bird is principally an inhabitant of the south-western parts. One specimen has been obtained in Heligoland. Belgium is occasionally visited, so is the Valley of Metz in Germany; and there is one record from Austria, one from Lenkoran in Trans-Caucasia, and it has been obtained in the southwestern part of Hungary. In France it does not breed north of the Seine, but in the centre, west, and south-west it is generally distributed and common; while in the east it is found in the provinces of Cote d'Or, Savoie, Haute-Savoie and Jura. Throughout Spain and Portugal it appears to be common. In Africa it is plentiful in Algeria and Tunis, and it inhabits Morocco, the country between Morocco and the River Senegal, and the Gold Coast Colony; but in Egypt its occurrence seems doubtful.

In winter it appears to resort principally to South and West Africa.