Page:The British Warblers A History with Problems of Their Lives - 7 of 9.djvu/82

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maximum development the power of producing numerous strains embracing a wide range of notes correlated with a power of imitation, embracing in its turn not only the notes but the phrases of other species. If we are content to do this, we need have no hesitation in placing, the Marsh Warbler in the foremost rank; and this is what concerns us more immediately.

No one acquainted with its powers and those of the Reed Warbler could deny that it surpasses the latter both in song and imitation. There is, indeed, but little in common between the true songs of the two species. Instead of the laboured efforts of the Reed Warbler we listen to a flow of song exhibiting a range of notes and modulation approached by few other species; some of the phrases own a peculiar charm—I believe that they could be reproduced only by some kind of stringed instrument—and they possess an additional interest from the fact that they are identical with certain phrases in the song of the Icterine Warbler (Hypolais icterina). I recollect on one occasion being puzzled as to the identification of a bird owing to the similarity in the two songs, and was only able to decide to which species the owner of the voice belonged when it fluttered out of the foliage. The imitative faculty of the Marsh Warbler probably surpasses that of any other species found in the British Islands. On various occasions I have listened to imitations of the following: Swallow (Hirundo rustica), House-Sparrow (Passer domesticus), Hedge-Sparrow (Accentor modularis) song and call note, Greenfinch (Ligurinus chloris), Chaffinch (Fringilla cœlebs), Goldfinch (Carduelis elegans), Linnet (Acanthis cannabina), Blue Titmouse (Parus cæruleus), Great Titmouse (Parus major), Blackcap (Sylvia atricapilla) alarm note, Nightingale (Daulias luscinia), Sedge Warbler (Acrocephalus phragmitis), Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus streperus), Savi's Warbler (Locustella luscinioides), Garden Warbler (Sylvia hortensis), Chiff-Chaff (Phylloscopus rufus) call note, Willow Warbler (Phylloscopus trochilus) song and call note, White-