Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v1.djvu/533

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The Early Drama

See also Bibliography to Book II, Chap. III.

Woodworth, Samuel. The Deed of Gift. A Comic Opera in Three Acts, as performed at the Boston Theatre. 1822. (City Theatre, New York, 20 Jan. 1823.)

—Cannibals, or the Massacre Islands. (Bowery Theatre, New York, Feb., 1823.)

—Blue Laws. A Farce. (Bowery Theatre, New York, 15 Mar., 1823.)

—LaFayette, or the Castle of Olmutz. A [Melo]drama, in three Acts. 1824. (Park Theatre, New York, 23 Feb., 1824.)

—The Forest Rose; or, American Farmers. A Drama, in two Acts. 1825. n. d. [1854]. Boston, 1855. (Chatham Theatre, New York, 6 Oct., 1825.)

—The Widow's Son; or, Which is the Traitor? A Melo-drama in three Acts. 1825. (Park Theatre, New York, 15 Dec., 1825.)

—The Foundling of the Sea. (Park Theatre, New York, 14 May, 1833.)

—? Kings Bridge Cottage. A Revolutionary Tale. ... A Drama in Two Acts. 1826.

See also Bibliographies to Book II, Chaps, v and VI.


The Americans Roused in a Cure for the Spleen, or Amusement for a Winter Evening. New York, n. d. [1775].

The Battle of Brooklyn, a farce in two acts: as it was performed on Long Island, on Tuesday the 27th day of August, 1776. By the representatives of the tyrants of America assembled at Philadelphia . . . . 1776. Edinburgh, 1777. (Rptd. Brooklyn, 1873.)

The Blockheads: or, The Affrighted Officers. A Farce. Boston, 1776.

Jonathan in England. Altered from Geo. Colman's Comedy of Who Wants a Guinea. Boston, n. d. [c. 1828]. Spencer, No. 200. (Park Theatre, New York, 3 Dec., 1828.)

The Military Glory of Great Britain,—an entertainment, given by the late candidates for Bachelors Degree at the close of the Anniversary Commencement, held in Nassau Hall, New Jersey, Sept. 29, 1762. Philadelphia, 1762.



Clark, Lewis Gaylord. (1810-1873.) Knick-Knacks from an Editor's Table. 1853.

Clark, Willis Gaylord. (1810-1841.) Literary Remains. 1844.

Cox, William. (?-1851) Crayon Sketches. By an Amateur. Ed. Fay, T. S. 2 vols. 1833.

Crafts, William. (1787-1826.) A Selection in Prose and Poetry, from the Miscellaneous Writings of the late William Crafts. [With a Memoir by Gilman, Samuel.] Charleston, 1828.

Dana, Richard Henry. (1787-1879.) The Idle Man. 1821-2. [Six numbers.]

—Poems and Prose Writings. Philadelphia and Boston, 1833.

See also Bibliography to Book II, Chap. v.

Dennie, Joseph. (1768-18 12.) The Lay Preacher; or Short Sermons, for Idle Readers. Walpole, N. H., 1796.

—The Spirit of the Farmer's Museum and Lay Preacher's Gazette. Walpole, N. H., 1801.

—The Lay Preacher. Collected and arranged by John E. Hall. Philadelphia, 1817.