Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v4.djvu/309

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Travellers and Explorers, 1846-1900 721 Philadelphia, 1852. Also, Washington, 1853, Engineer. Bureau, and Sen. Ex. Doc. 3, Special Sess., 32d Cong. Stanton, G. A Narrative of Fifteen Years on the Western Plains. 19 10. [Pri- vately printed.] [Early days in the Rocky Mountains.] Stanton, Robert Brewster. Through the Grand Canon of the Colorado. Scrib- ner's Magazine, Nov. , 1 890. Availability of the Canon of the Colorado River of the West for Railway Purposes, in Transactions, American Society of Civil Engineers, April, 1 892. The Alleged Journey and the Real Journey of James White, on the Colorado River, in 1867, in The Trail [Magazine], Denver, Colo., Sept., 1919. Stapp, WiUiam Preston. The Prisoners of Perote; Containing a Journal kept by the Author, who was captured by the Mexicans at Mier, 25 Dec, 1842 and released from Perote, 16 May, 1844, Philadelphia, 1845. Steele, James. Old California Days. Chicago, 1889. Stephen, Mrs. Ann. The Oregon Trail [in the late 40 's]. 1862. Stephens, John Lloyd. Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan. 1841. 2 vols. Incidents of Travel in Yucatan. 1843. 2 vols. Incidents of Travel in Greece, Turkey, Russia and Poland. 1 838. Incidents of Travel in Egypt, etc. 2 vols. 1837. Letters in Hoffman's American Monthly Mag. on Journey to Europe, Asia and Africa. 1834. Stephens, L. D. Life Sketches of a Jayhawker of '49. pp. 68. San Jos6, Cah- fomia, 1916. [Privately printed.] Stevens, I. Through Russia on a Mustang. 1891. Stevens, 1. 1. Exploration of a Route for the Pacific Railroad near the 47th and 49th parallels from St. Paul to Puget Sound. Washington, 1855. Stevens, John A. The Valley of the Rio Grande. 1864. Stevens, Joseph E. Yesterdays in the Philippines. 1898. Stevens, John Leavitt. Picturesque Hawaii. Philadelphia, 1894. 1900. Stevenson, James. Ceremonial of Hasjelti Dailjis [Yebitchai] and Mythical Sand Painting of the Navajo Indians. Bu. Eth. Rep. VIII. 1886-87. Wash- ington, 1 89 1. See, also, Matthews, Washington. Stiff, Colonel Edward. The Texan Emigrant. Cincinnati. 1840. Stimson, H. K. From the Stage Coach to the Pulpit [story of a veteran pioneer of western New York]. Edited by T. W. Greene. St. Louis, 1874. Stockton, Commodore Robert F. Despatches Relating to Military and Naval Operations in California. 1849. A Sketch of the Life of . . . with his Corre- spondence with the Navy Dept. respecting his Conquest of California, and Extracts from the Defense of Colonel Fremont, etc. 1856. Stoddard, Charles Augustus. Across Russia from the Baltic to the Danube. 1 89 1. Spanish Cities with Glimpses of Gibraltar and Tangier. 1892. Beyond the Rockies. 1894. A Spring Journey in California. 1894, 1895. Cruising Among the Caribbees. 1895. Stoddard, Charles Warren. Poems. San Francisco, 1867. South Sea Idyls. 1873. Summer Cruising in the South Seas. London [1874]. Hawaiian Life; being Lazy Letters from Low Latitudes. 1 894. A Cruise Under the Crescent from Suez to San Marco. 1898. Over the Rocky Mountains to Alaska. 1899. In the Footprints of the Padres. San Francisco, 1902. A Cruise Under the Crescent. Chicago [1898]. Mashallah! A Flight into Egypt. 1881. Stoddard, John Lawson. Red Letter Days Abroad. Boston, 1884. Stone, A. Following Old Trails. [Early days in the Northwest.] Missoula, 1914. VOL. 11; — ^46