Page:The Chaldean Account of Genesis (1876).djvu/227

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Column II.

1. Izdubar did not leave . . . .
2. Daughter of a warrior . . . .
3. their might . . . .
4. the gods of heaven, lord . . . .
5. thou makest to be sons and family? . . . .
6. there is not any other like thee . . . .
7. in the depth made . . . .
8. Izdubar did not leave, the son to his father day and night . . . .
9. he the ruler also of Erech . . . .
10. he their ruler and . . . .
11. made firm? and wise . . . .
12. Izdubar did not leave Dannat, the son to his mother . . . .
13. Daughter of a warrior, wife of . . . .
14. their might the god . . . . heard and . . . .
15. Aruru strong and great, thou Aruru hast made . . . .
16. again making his strength, one day his heart . . . . . .
17. he changed and the city of Erech . . . . . .
18. Aruru on hearing this, the strength of Anu made in the midst . . . . . .
19. Aruru put in her hands, she bowed her breast and lay on the ground
20. . . . Heabani she made a warrior, begotten of the seed of the soldier Ninip
21. . . . . covered his body, retiring in companionship like a woman,