Page:The Clansman (1905).djvu/263

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dared come to this camp and insult me about the arrest of old Cameron."

"I suppose you issued an order silencing him from the ministry?"

"I did, and told him I'd shackle him if he opened his mouth again."

"Good. The throne of Russia needn't worry about a worthy successor. Any further ecclesiastical orders?"

"None, except the oaths I've prescribed for them before they shall preach again."

"Fine! These Scotch Covenanters will feel at home with you."

"Well, I've made them bite the dust—and they know who's runnin' this town, and don't you forget it."

"No doubt. Yet we may have too much of even a good thing. The League is here to run this county. The business of the military is to keep still and back them when they need it."

"We've the strongest council here to be found in any county in this section," said Gilbert with pride.

"Just so. The League meets once a week. We have promised them the land of their masters and equal social and political rights. Their members go armed to these meetings and drill on Saturdays in the public square. The white man is afraid to interfere lest his house or barn take fire. A negro prisoner in the dock needs only to make the sign to be acquitted. Not a negro will dare to vote against us. Their women are formed into societies, sworn to leave their husbands and refuse to marry any man who dares our anger. The negro churches have