Page:The Crowne of all Homers Workes - Chapman (1624).djvu/156

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To Pallas.

Pallas-Minerua's Deitie, the renown'd:
My Muse, in her variety, must resound;
Mightie in counsailes; whose Illustrous Eyes,
In all resemblance, represent the skies.
A reuerend Maid of an inflexible Minde:
In Spirit, and Person, strong: of Triple kinde;
Fautresse of Citties, that iust Lawes maintaine;
Of Ioue-the-great-in-counsailes, very Braine
Tooke Prime existence: his vnbounded Brows,
Could not containe her; such impetuous Throw's
Her Birth gaue way to; that abrode she flew,
And stood in Gold arm'd, in her Fathers view,
Shaking her sharpe Lance: all Olympus shooke
So terriblie beneath her; that it tooke
Vp, in amazes, all the Deities there.
All Earth resounded, with vociferous Feare.
The Sea was put vp, all in purple Waues;
