Page:The Development of Navies During the Last Half-Century.djvu/341

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Dupuy de Lôme, M., at the head of the French naval constructive department, produces the first seagoing ironclad 'La Gloire,' 49.

'Dupuy de Lôme,' The, of the French Navy, 256.

Dynamite gun, The, originated in America, 283.






’Edinburgh,' The, a turret ship, 141-2.

'Edinburgh,' The, in the bombardment of Acre, 18-21.

'Edinburgh,' The, now known as the 'Cambridge,' 10.

Electric search light. The, 205-6.

Elmore's, Mr, process, 192, note.

'Emerald,' The, 24.

'Empress of India,' The, 109.

Engines, side-lever, 212; direct acting, 213; tubular boilers and oscillating cylinders, 213-14; compound, 223, 225, 229; vertical, 235; auxiliary, 243.

'Erebus,' The, an ironclad, 46.

'Erebus,' The, Sir John Franklin's ship, 23

Ericsson's revolving turrets, 71; builds the 'Monitor,' 76-7; his screw propeller, 77; ’Scorpion' and 'Wyvern' designed on the ideas of, 124, 218; ten monitors on plans of, ordered for Russia, 257; larger type of monitor as seagoing ship designed by, 272.

'Esmeralda,' The, of the Chilian Navy, 284.

'Excellent,' The, 9.

Exmouth, Lord, reduces Algiers, 15-16.

Experiments for testing behaviour of iron under shot, 43-4.






'Ferdinand Max,' The, Austrian ironclad engaged in the battle of Lissa, 95; Admiral Tegethoff leads the attack in her, 93; sinks the 'Ré d'Italia,' 100, 134.
Floating batteries proposed by the Emperor Napoleon, 46; constructed for the Crimean War and employed in the Black Sea, 46-8; Popoffkas, 125-7.

’Forbin,' The, of the French Navy, 256.

Forced draught, 236, 239.

'Formidable,' The, of the French Navy, 253-4.

'Forth,' The, 159.

France, Colberts Maritime Inscription, 11; navy of, 248-257.

'Francesco Morosini,' The, of the Italian Navy, 264.

Franklin's, Sir John, expedition to the Arctic, 23.

Frigates, 2; Jackass, 6; steam, 14; early, 148-9; high speed, 149-50; relative strength of line-of-battle ship and, 150-52; name passed away, 154.


'Galatea,' The, 14.

Gardner quick-firing gun, The, 190.

Catling gun. The, 190.

German Empire, navy of the, 265-7; four new ironclads ordered, 266.

'Glatton,' The, 120-3, 354.

'Gloire, La,' of the French Navy, first sea-going ironclad, 49, 50, 52, 55; her plates, 136, 331.

'Gorgon,' The, coast defence ironclad, 123.

'Gorgon,' The, paddle steamer employed in the bombardment of Acre, 18.

Graham, Sir James, the 'Excellent' established for training seamen in gunnery, improved by, 9.

Greece, navy of, 369.

Guns, 32-pounders used in 1838, 43-pounders discarded, 68-pounder introduced in 1840, 7 170; 29-ton, 145; rifled, 170, etc.; breech-loaders, 171, 174; Woolwich system muzzle-loading, 176; Captain Scott's iron gun carriages, 177; 35-ton, 38-ton, 178-9; 80-ton, 180; bursting of a 38-ton in the 'Thunderer,' 183; 6-in. breech-loader, 184; steel barrel with hoops, the interrupted screw, 185; 111-ton, 188; objections to monster, 188; quick-firing, 190; 4.7-in. calibre and 6-in. quick-firing, 191.



Hale's, Mr, improved rocket, 26.

Hamley, Sir Edward, on Sir Edmund Lyons in the Crimean War, 30, note.

Hastings, Captain Sir Thomas, placed over the 'Excellent,' 9.

'Hazard,' The, 18.

'Hecate,' The, 123.

'Hector,' The, 56.

'Hercules' The, 62-3, 177, 265, 268.

'Hero,' The, 130, 144.

Hewett, in the expedition to the Sea of Azof, 36.

'Hood,' The, 143.

Hornby, Sir Geoffrey, on size of ships, 113.

Hotchkiss', Mr, machine gun of large calibre, 190; single-barrel quick-firing gun, 191.

'Hotspur,' The, 120, 130.

'Howe,' The, a screw three-decker, 24.

'Howe,' The, of the 'Admiral' class, 106.

Howell torpedo. The, 281-3.

'Huascar,' The, turret ship belonging to Peru, sinks the 'Esmeralda' with her ram, 133-4; engaged by the British ships 'Shah' and 'Amethyst,' 150-2, 207; captured by Chili, 284-6.

'Hydra,' The, 123.

Hydraulic machinery for guns invented by the Elswick firm, 179-80, 188.



Ignition by electricity, 186-7.

' Imperieuse,' The, 154-8, 259.