Page:The Elizabethan stage (Volume 1).pdf/129

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of cost in 1571-2, which is the first of a series of years for which elaborate accounts exist in the Record Office. These are of a detailed nature, much like that of Cawarden's accounts at Loseley, and arranged more or less under heads. Schedules of the plays and masks given during the periods to which they relate are in some cases attached. A brief analysis of the account for 1571-2 will show the general character of the entries. I can only dwell here upon those which relate to the organization of the Revels Office, and not upon those of merely dramatic or scenic interest. The main account runs from the end of Shrovetide, 1571, to the end of Shrovetide, 1572, and covers, firstly, a period of nine months from March to November, during which the occupation of the Office was limited to the airing and safeguard of 'stuff' and attendance upon the Master during the progress, and, secondly, an active three months of revels and preparation for revels, from December to February. This expenditure is accounted for under two main heads, Wages and Allowances and Emptions and Provisions. It may be abstracted as follows: A. Wages and Allowances. (i.) March to November.

                                        £ s. d. £ s. d.

Tailors and Attendants 26 0 0
Attendants (9) on Progress 13 19 0
Porter (60 days) 3 0 0
Diet of Officers (60 days) 30 0 0
Necessaries bought by Yeoman 3 13 0 76 12 0

(ii.) December to February.

Tailors and Attendants 113 8 8
Property-makers, Embroiderers,
Haberdashers 39 1 2
Painters 35 18 2
Porter (80 days, 15 nights) 4 15 0
Diet of Officers (80 days, 15 nights) 47 10 0 240 13 0

B. Emptions and Provisions.

(i.) March to November. Nil.

(ii.) December to February.

Mercers (4) 938 8 7
Draper 52 15 3
Upholster 32 5 8
Silkwomen (Joan Bowll and another) 74 14 4-1/2
Petty Cash (Comptroller) 1 0 0
                                     ————————— ——————
Carried forward 1099 3 10-1/2