Page:The Emphasised Bible - Vol 1.djvu/44

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GENESIS III. 9—24; IV. 1—7

sound[1] of Yahweh God、 walking to and fro in the garden、 at the breeze of the day,[2]—so he hid himself—||the man with his wife||、 from the face of Yahweh God, amid the trees[3] of the garden.9 And Yahweh God called´ unto the man,— and said to him、

Where art thou?

10 And he said,

<The sound[1] of thee> heard I in the garden,—and I was afraid、 for <naked> was I´, so I hid myself.

11 And he said,

Who´ told[4] thee that <naked> thou wast? <Of the tree´ whereof I commanded thee not to eat> hast thou eaten?

12 And the man said,—

<The woman whom thou didst put with me> ||she|| gave me of the tree、 so I did eat.

13 Then said Yahweh God to the woman、

What is this[5] that thou hast done?

And the woman said,

||The serpent|| deceived[6] me、 so I did eat.

14 Then said Yahweh God unto the serpant—

<Because thou hast done this>
|Accursed| art thou´ above every tame-beast, and above every wild-beast[7] of the field,—<on thy belly> shalt thou go, and <dust> shalt thou eat、 all the days of thy life.


And <enmity> will I put between thee、 and the woman, and between thy´ seed, and her´ seed,—

||He||[8] shall crush[9] thy head,
But ||thou|| shalt crush[9] his heel.

16 <Unto the woman> he said、

I will ||increase|| thy pain of pregnancy,
<In pain> shalt thou bear children,—[10]
Yet <unto thy husband> shall be thy longing,
Though ||he|| rule over thee.

17 And <to the man> he said、

<Because thou didst hearken to the voice of thy wife, and so didst eat of the tree´ as to which I commanded thee、 saying,
Thou shalt not eat of it>
Accursed´ be the ground for thy sake,
<In pain> shalt thou eat of it、 all the days of thy life;


<Thorn also and thistle> shall it shoot forth to thee,—when thou hast come to eat of the herb of the field:


<In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, until thou return to the ground, because <therefrom> wast thou taken,—
For <dust> thou art,[11]
And <unto dust> shalt thou return.

20So the man called the name of his wife、 Eve,[12]—in that ||she|| was made mother of every one living.21 And Yahweh God made for the man—and for his wife—tunics of skin、 and clothed them. 22 Then said Yahweh God

Lo! ||man||[13] hath become like one of us, in respect of knowing good and evil,[14]
||Now|| therefore、 <lest he thrust forth his hand、 and take even of the tree of life,[15] and eat、 and live to times age-abiding>[16]

23 So Yahweh God put him forth from the garden of Eden,—to till the ground´ wherefrom he had been taken. 24 So he expelled the man,—and caused to dwell[17]—in front of the garden of Eden— cherubim、[18] and a brandishing sword-flame, to keep[19] the way to the tree of life.

§ 4. A "seed" appears; but disappoints (Cain) or fails (Abel). Yahweh gives a substitute for Abel (Seth).

41 Now ||the man|| having come to know Eve his wife,—she conceived, and bare Cain,[20] and said、

I have gotten[21] a Man, even[22] Yahweh!

2 And she went on to bear his brother, Abel,[23]—and Abel became a feeder of sheep, whereas ||Cain|| was a tiller of the ground. 3 So it came to pass <after certain days>[24] that Cain brought in |of the fruit of the ground| a present to Yahweh: 4 ||Abel|| also、 even ||he|| brought in、 of the firstlings of his sheep、 and of their fat,—and Yahweh approved of Abel、 and of his present; 5 but <of Cain and his present> he approved not,—and it angered Cain greatly、 and his countenance fell. 6 So then Yahweh said unto Cain,—

Wherefore´ hath it angered thee, and wherefore´ hath thy countenance fallen?


Shall it not、 if thou do right、 be lifted up?[25]
  1. 1.0 1.1 Or: "voice." But "sound" is more majestic, and more suited to the act of "walking."
  2. Or: "day-breeze"; i.e. "the cool of the evening"—Davies' H.L.
  3. Ml: "tree." N.B.: "tree"="trees." Cp. Rev. xxii. 2.
  4. Or: "showed."
  5. Or: "||What, now||, hast thou done?" Cp. O.G. 261, 4, d.
  6. Sep. apatao, "cheat," "outwit," " deceive." N.T.: 2 Co. xi. 3; 1 Tim. ii. 14, exapatao, "to deceive thoroughly."
  7. Cp. chap. 1. 24. n.
  8. Vul. wrongly "she." Possibly "it"; cp. Ro. xvi. 20.
  9. 9.0 9.1 Same word in the two clauses. "Most of the ancient translators render it by crushing"—Kalisch. Cp. again Ro. xvi. 20, Gr. suntribo.
  10. Ml: "sons." Daughters often included = "children,"—according to "context and circumstance."
  11. Or: "wast"; cp. chap. ii. 7: cp. also Ps. ciii. 14; Ec. xii. 7; 1 Co. xv. 47.
  12. ="Life," "giver of life," "life-spring." N.B.: Adam's faith in the promise.
  13. Ml: "the man"; but the article prob. that "of species."
  14. Or: "blessing and misfortune."
  15. Plainly implying that, from some cause, he had not yet done so.
  16. N.B.: the unfinished sentence; as if in haste to act, and avert danger.
  17. Prob. as a habitation for himself: 1 S. iv. 4; Ps. lxxx. 1; xcix. 1; esp. chap. iv. 14.
  18. Prob. "seized," "held," "possessed"; i.e.: by God as either his living chariot (1 Ch. xxviii. 18; Ps. xviii. 10; Eze. x.), or his living throne (Rev. iv.) In the present passage, ml "the cherubim," but article prob. that "of species."
  19. Or: "guard."
  20. ="acquisition," "procreation."
  21. Or: "acquired." Heb.: kained= "gained."
  22. Or: "with" (the presence and help of). More prob. as in text—unless we conclude that Eve could not have been so mistaken.
  23. ="evanescence," "transitoriness."
  24. Or: "after a time." Ml: "at an end of days."
  25. Ml: "Shall there not—if thou do right—be an uplifting" [?="of my countenance and of thine"]?