Page:The English Dancing Master-John Playford-1651.pdf/8

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Upon a Summers day
Longwayes for ſix

\header { tagline = "" }
\score {
  \new Staff { \time 6/4 \key f \major \clef "petrucci-g1" \override = #'neomensural \partial 2 
    \defineBarLine "||s" #'("=" "=" "")
    \relative c'' { \cadenzaOn 
      d2  \bar "|"
      d1  d2 bes1 g2 d'1. \breathe d1
      e8*2 f8*2 g1 f2 g1 a2 bes1. \breathe bes1
      bes,2 bes1 bes2 a1 g2 f'1. g1. a1 bes,2 
      a1 g2 g1. \breathe g1  \bar "||"
      a'2  \bar "|" a1  a2 f1 d2 a'1. \breathe a1 
      f2 g1 f2 g1 a2 bes1. \breathe  bes1 
      bes,2 bes1 bes2 a1 g2 f'1. g1. a1 
      bes,2 a1  g2 g1. \breathe  g1 \cadenzaOff \bar "||s" \bar "||s" 
  \layout {
    indent = #0
    \context {
      \override Score.BarNumber.transparent = ##t
      \override Stem.neutral-direction = #UP
%      \override Stem.neutral-direction = #up %does not work, but in doc example:
      \override = #'neomensural %%for some reason this works in the Staff context above, but not here. ?
      \override = #'petrucci 
      \override = #'mensural
      \override BreathingSign.text = \markup \raise #3.0 \small \musicglyph #"scripts.ufermata" 
%      \override KeySignature.glyph-name-alist = #alteration-mensural-glyph-name-alist
%      \override Staff.Accidental.glyph-name-alist = #alteration-mensural-glyph-name-alist
%      \finalis %crashes rendering, need to have "\include """, which is understandably forbidden. May be cause of two above problems, too.
%      \defineBarLine "||||" #'("||" " " "||") 
% \bar "||||" %% Not working
\score {
  \new Staff { \time 6/4 \key f \major \clef "petrucci-g1" \partial 2 
    \unfoldRepeats {
      \relative c'' { 
        \repeat volta 3 {
          \repeat volta 2 {\cadenzaOn  d2  \bar "|"
            d1  d2 bes1 g2 d'1. \breathe d1
            e8*2 f8*2 g1 f2 g1 a2 bes1. \breathe bes1
            bes,2 bes1 bes2 a1 g2 f'1. g1. a1 bes,2 
            a1 g2 g1. \breathe g1  \bar "||"}
            \repeat volta 3 { \cadenzaOn  a'2  \bar "|" a1  a2 f1 d2 a'1. \breathe a1 
            f2 g1 f2 g1 a2 bes1. \breathe  bes1 
            bes,2 bes1 bes2 a1 g2 f'1. g1. a1 
            bes,2 a1  g2 g1. \breathe  g1 \cadenzaOff \bar "||s" }
  \midi { \tempo 2 = 180  \set Staff.midiInstrument = "cello" }
  %%please feel free to change instrument to something else, see
Leade up all a D. forwards and back, ſet and turne S.  ·  That againe  :  The men take all hands, and the women hands meet all a D. back againe; the firſt on each side goe under the others armes on their owne ſide, and meet below  ·  Hands againe, and the next Cu. as much  :  Hands againe, and the next Cu. as much

Sides all, sſt and turne ſingle . That againe  :  As before

 :  Hands againe, and the next Cu. as much

Armes all, ſet and turne S  ·  That againe  :  As before

 :  Hands againe, and the next Cu. as much