Page:The Fall of the Alamo.djvu/132

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I know that none of you desires a lesser.
Yet though our earthly time draws to a close,
We will perform our duties still, as meet.
Whose is the first to pledge by holy oath
Our homage to our virgin commonwealth.

[All raising the fore-fingers of their right hands, pronounce, with the greatest solemnity and in unison, the oath following ;]

All present.

We, here assembled in the face of death.
Swear true allegiance, steadfast faith and honor.
With body, heart and soul, to our Republic,
The sovereign State of Texas, and to guard
On land and sea, by day and night, her welfare
Throughout our earthly lives. So help us God!


And now to give an outward sign of this.
Our holy pledge, to God alone beknown,
I fling our country's fitly chosen flag,
The pennon of the Lone Star, to the breeze.

[He hoists the flag of the Lone Star.]

Lone, lone it flies by enemies surrounded,
Unfurled 'mid dangers, persecution, death.
Solely relying on the help of God
And on its people's love of Liberty!
But just as yonder radiant Star of Eve