Page:The Fall of the Alamo.djvu/245

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Deaf Smith.

In thy countryman's embrace,

Who fondly hopes thy life may yet be spared,


Quick, Surgeon, leave me and attend on him.
To save his life! his gallantry deserves it!

[Under the Surgeon's hand, and with the assistance of Deaf Smithy Bradburn revives more and more, so that with mute delight he can manifest his interest in the incidents of]

Scene VII.

Enter Texan Volunteers, bearing Mexican battle-flags, which they present to General Houston.

A Volunteer.

Hail, General Houston! at thy feet we lay
These flags, the trophies of this glorious day.


I thank you, friends, in our Republic's name;
Her power, her freedom be your prize and fame.

[Other volunteers bring Santa Anna's sword, lost by him during his flight.]

A Volunteer.

Victorious Chief! we put into thine hand
This costly falchion, Santa Anna's brand.