Page:The Federal and state constitutions vol1.djvu/163

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shall embrace but one subject, which shall be described in the title; and no law, or any section of any law, shall be revised or amended by reference only to its title and number, but the law or section revised or amended shall itself be set forth at full length.

Sec. 3. Members of both houses of the General Assembly shall be chosen by the qualified electors; and the regulations for holding such elections shall, as to time, place, and manner, be the same for each house, and shall be prescribed by law. After the special election to be held on the first Monday in November, 1865, such elections shall, until otherwise directed by law, take place on the first Monday in August.

Sec. 4. No person who holds any lucrative office under the United States, or under this State, or under any other State or government (except postmasters, officers in the militia, to whose office no annual salary is attached, justices of the peace, members of the court of county commissioners, notaries public, and commissioners of deeds, excepted;) no person who has been convicted of having given or offered any bribe to procure his election; no person who has been convicted of bribery, forgery, perjury, or other high crime or misdemeanor which may be by law declared to disqualify him; and no person who has been a collector or holder of public moneys, and has failed to account for and pay over into, the treasury all sums for which he may be by law accountable, shall be eligible to the General Assembly.

Sec. 5. Representatives shall be chosen for the term of two years; and no person shall be a representative who is not a white man, twenty-one years of age, a citizen of the United States, and who has not been an inhabitant of this State for the two years next preceding the election, and for the last year thereof a resident of the county for which he is chosen.

Sec. 6. The house of representatives shall consist of not more than one hundred members, who shall be apportioned by the General Assembly among the several counties of the State according to the number of white inhabitants in them respectively; and, to this end, the general assembly shall cause an enumeration of all the inhabitants of the State to be made in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six, and again in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five, and every ten years thereafter, and shall make an apportionment of the representatives among the several counties at the first regular session after each enumeration; which apportionment, when made, shall not be subject to alteration, until after the next census shall have been taken; Provided, That each county shall be entitled to at least one representative; Provided further, That where two or more adjoining counties shall each have a residuum or fraction over and above the ratio then fixed by law, which fractions, when added together, equal or exceed that ratio, in that case, the county having the largest fraction shall be entitled to one additional representative.

Sec. 7. The whole number of senators shall be not less than one-fourth, nor more than one-third of the whole number of representatives; and it shall be the duty of the General Assembly, at its first session after the making of each enumeration, as provided by the last preceding section, to fix by law the number of senators, and to divide the State into as many senatorial districts as there are senators; which districts shall be as nearly equal to each other as may be in