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Modern Library of the World's Best Books DAUDET, ALPHONSE (1840-1397) Sapho (85) In same volume Prevost's " Manon Lescaut " DOSTOYEVSKY, FEDOK (1821-1881) Poor People (10) Introduction by THOMAS SELTZER DOWSON, ERNEST (1867-1900) Poems and Prose (74) Introduction by ARTHUR SYMOXS DREISER, THEODORE Free and Other Stories (50) Introduction by H. L. MENCKEN DUNSANY, LORD (Edward John Plunkett) (1878- ) A Dreamer's Tales (34) Introduction by PADRIAC COLUM Book of Wonder (43) ELLIS, HAVELOCK (1859- ) The New Spirit (95) Introduction by the author EVOLUTION IN MODERN THOUGHT (37) A Symposium, including Essays by Haeckel, Thomson, Weismann, etc. FLAUBERT, GUSTAVE (1821-1880) Madame Bovary (28) The Temptation of St. Anthony (92) Translated by LAF- CADIO HE RN FLEMING, MARJORIE (1803-1811) Marjorie Fleming's Book (93) Introduction by CLIFFORD SMYTH FRANCE, ANATOLE (1844- ) The Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard (22) Introduction by LAFCADIO HEARN The Queen Pedauque (110) Introduction by JAMES BRANCH CAT. ELL The Red Lily (7) Thais (67) Introduction by HENDRIK Y. VAN LOON FRENSSEN, GUSTAV (1863- ) John Uhl (101) Introduction by LUDWIG LEWISOHN GAUTIER, THEOPHILE (1811-1872) Mile, de Maupin (53) GEORGE, W. L. (1832- ) A Bed of Roses (75) Introduction by EDGAR SALTUS GILBERT, W. S. (1836-1911) The Mikado, The Pirates of Penzance, Iolanthe, The Gondoliers, (26) Introduction by CLARENCE DAY, Jr. GISSING, GEORGE, (1857-1903) The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft (46) Introduction by PAUL ELMER MORE De GONCOURT, E. and J. (1322-1896) (1830-1870) Rente Mauperin (76) Introduction by EMILE ZOLA GORKY, MAXIM (1868- ) Creatures That Once Were Men and Four Other Stories M8) Introduction br G. I- CHESTERTON