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Modern Library of the World's Best Books TRINDBERG, AUGUST (1849-1912) Married (2) Introduction by THOMAS SELTZER Miss Julie, The Creditor, The Stronger Woman, Motherly Love, Paria, Simoon (52) 5UDERMANN, HERMANN (1857-) Dame Care (33) JWINBURNE, ALGERNON CHARLES (1837-1909) Poems (23) Introduction by ERNEST RHYS HOMPSON, FRANCIS (1859-1907) Complete Poems (38) ^QLSTOY, LEO (1828-1910) Redemption and Two Other Plays (77) Introduction by ARTHUR HOPKINS The Death of Ivan Uyitch and Four Other Stories (64) 'URGENEV, IVAN (1818-1883) Fathers and Sons (21) Introduction by THOMAS SELTZER Smoke (80) Introduction by JOHN REED AN LOON, HENDRIK WILLEM (1882- ) Ancient Man (105) ILLON FRANCOIS (1431-1461) Poems (58) Introduction by JOHN PAYNE OLTAIRE, (FRANCOIS MARIE AROUET) (1694-1778) Candide (47) Introduction by PHILIP LITTELL r ELLS, H. G. (1866- ) Ann Veronica (27) The War in the Air (5) New Preface by H. G. Wells for this edition HITMAN, WALT (1819- ) Poems (97) Introduction by CARL "SANDBURG ILDE, OSCAR (1859-1900) An Ideal Husband, A Woman of No Importance (84) Dorian Gray (1) Fairy Tales and Poems in Prose (61) ntentions (96) poems (19) alome, The Importance of Being Earnest, Lady Winder- mere's Fan (83) Introduction by EDGAR SALTUS LSON, WOODROW (1856- ) elected Addresses and Public Papers (55) Edited with an introduction by ALBERT BUSHNELL HART MAN QUESTION, THE (59) ^. Symposium, including Essays by Ellen Key, Havelock Ellis, G. Lowes Dickinson, etc. Edited by T. R. SMITH ATS, W. B. (1865- ) rish Fairy and Folk Tales (44)