Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 7.djvu/180

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��The firm of Humphrey, Dodge & mental hardware, carriage goods and Smith, of Concord, New Hampshire, shelf goods. The firm are prepared dealers in hardware, occupy the most to meet the requirements of the great centrally located establishment in the carriage manufactories of Concord in city, and fill a most important place in every line. The farmer in their store- the business community. Individually house will find every variety of labor- thefirmconsistsofStillman Humphrey, saving machinery from the sickle and the senior member, who in 1858 was hand-rake to the most improved mow- one of the firm of Warde & Humphrey ing machine and reaper. Tools for the (successors of Porter & Rolfe, estab- blacksmith, and iron and steel, in rod lished in 1833), and who has been and bar, for his handiwork; tools for frequently called to serve the city and the carpenter ; tools for the mason ; state in offices of trust and emolument ; tools for the boy ! Howard A. Dodge, of a family specially Besides the three members of the honored in their native city, whose firm, who are each actively interested name is a synonym for uprightness and in the details of the business, there are commercial integrity ; and Converse J. twelve employees required to handle Smith, whom the chief magistrate of the goods or attend to the accounts, the state. Governor Samuel VV. Hale, They have in stock agricultural im- has commissioned colonel and aide-de- plements, house-building hardware, camp. carriage-building woodwork and hard-

The business of the firm, which is ware, sewer and drain pipe, all kinds the growth of over half a century, is of pumps, lead and tin pipe, black- very extensive, and extends to remote smith stock and tools, iron and steel, towns in northern New Hampshire stone quarrymen's tools and stock, and Vermont. factory and mill supplies, saws, belts,

Their stock embraces a very large files, grindstones, locks, and wooden

variety and requires over an acre of ware.

floor-room for its display. Besides Besides their heavy local trade their double store and basements they they receive a large business through occupy a great storehouse, immediately the mail, and they do their best to sat- in the rear, with their goods. These isfy absent customers, goods are classified as heavy and orna-

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