Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 7.djvu/56

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��Trms Brown. An original by Howe, of Lowell, Mass. Presented to the state by Thomas B. Bradford, of Francestown. Mr. Brown was a rep- resentative in congress from 1825 to 1829. President of the senate in 1843.

Jacob H. Gallinger. An original by U. D. Tenney. Presented to the stale by himself. President of the senate in 18S1.

John Kimball. An original by U. D. Tenney. Presented to the state by himself. President of the senate in 1882.

WiLLiATvi P. Weeks. An original by U. D. Tenney. Presented to the state by Hon. Joseph U. Weeks, of Cannan, N. H. — a son. President of the senate in 184Q.


Gen. James Miller. Original by Henry Willard ; copy by LI. D. Ten- ney. Presented to the state by the family of Gen. Miller. He was terri- torial governor of Arkansas from 1819 to 1825 ; also collector of the port of Salem, Mass., from 1825 to 1849.

Gen. John McNeil. An original by Henry Willard. Presented to the state by Mrs. E. A. Benham, of Boston, Mass., and Mrs. Fanny McNeil Potter, the surviving children of Gen. McNeil. He was for many years surveyor of the port of Boston, Mass.

Col. Joseph Cilley, a grandson of Gen. Joseph Cilley of the Revolution- ary war. An original by L^. D. Tenney. Presented to the state by Col. Cilley. He was wounded in the battle of Lundy's Lane, serving as a lieutenant under Gen. Miller. He now resides at Nottingham, in his ninety-third year. He was L. S. senator from 1846 to 1847.


Theodore Atkinson. Copy of an original by J. Blackburn in 1760; two-thirds length, sitting i)osture. Secretary from 1741 to 1762, and from 1769 to 1775; chief justice of the supreme court of judicature from 1754 to 1775.

��Theodore Atkinson, Jr. Two-thirds length, standing posture ; copy after J. Blackburn, 1 760. Secretary from 1762 to 1 769.

Lemuel N. Pattee. An original by Adna Tenney. Presented to the state by his widow, Mrs. Pattee, of Goffs- town.

Thomas L. Tullock. An original by U. D. Tenney. Presented to the state by Mr. Tullock. He was secretary from 1858 to 1861 ; postmaster of Portsmouth from 1849 to 1853 ; navy agent at Portsmouth from 1861 to 1865 ; collector of Internal Revenue for the District of Columbia from 1869 to 1876. He was assistant postmaster of Washington for several years, and at the time of his death, 1883, was post-master of the same city.


Col. Jesse A. Gove, U. S. V. (Capt. loth LI. S. Infantry). An original by Adna Tenney. Presented to the state by his wife, Mrs. Jesse A. Gove. He was killed while leading the 2 2d Massachusetts Vol's, in the battle of Gaines's Mills, Va., June 27, 1862.

Col. Phin P. Bixby. An original by U. D. Tenney. Presented to the state by the personal friends of Col. Bixby.

Col. Evarts W. Farr. An original by U. D. Tenney. Presented to the state by his wife, Mrs. Farr, and Hon. Henry W. Blair, U. S. senator. He served in the nth Reg't N. H. Vol's,

Note. — Aside from the portraits men- tioned above, arc the following, in the securing" of which Mr. Preseolt is en- titled to no direct credit: In the repre- sentatives" hall, those of (lEoitCtE Wash- ington, Daniel Weijster, and John DeGraffe; in the sen-ite chainber, John S. Wells; and in the cv»uncil chamber, Anthony Colhy. Jaked W. Williams. N. li. Baker, David L. IMORKIL. Rali'h Metcalf, William IIaile. Matthew Haryey. Ichabod Goodwin. X. 8. Kerry, and J. A. Gil- moke. ('iiak[-es U. Bell, ll. d. Painted by U. D. Tenney. Presented by himself. Speaker of the house of rep- resentatives in ISGO; president of the senate in 18(14; U. S. senator in 1S7U ; gov- ernor trom 1881 to 1883. In Doric hall the marble bust of Hon. Amos Tuck.

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