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The Green Bag

through his paper on "An Independent Judi ciary, ' in which, as a plan to remove the courts entirely from the sphere of politics, he suggested a constitutional amendment providing for a state court commission which would have the power to select all the judges. Other papers presented were "Admission and Disbarment of Attorneys at-Law," by Henry J. Stevens; "The Education of a Lawyer," b

Prof. Frederic C. Woodward;

"The Election of,Judges," by William Denman; "Distinctive Character of the Ethical Obliga tions of the American Lawyer,” by Charles S. Wheeler; "Oratory, the Lost Art of Our Pro fession," by John E. Richards. Officers elected were L nn Helm of Los Angeles, president; M. K. arris of Fresno, vice-president for first district; William J. Hunsaker of Los Angeles vice-president for second district; L. D. Hatfield of Sacramento, vice-president for third district; T. W. Robinson of Los Angeles, secretary; H. C.

into politics again with the nomination of James G. Blaine in 1884, and has also been credited

with having had much to do with the nomination of Harrison.

Miscellaneous] Jesse

Holdom, E

., after twelve years of

service as a judge of t e Superior Court of Cook county and a justice of the A pellate Court of Illinois, has resumed practice 0 law in Chicago. Assistant U. S. Attorney Walter De C Douglass has recently been appointed professor of pleading at law, practice and pleading in equity, the law of torts and the law of insurance.

in Temple University Law School, Philadelphia. He takes the place of H. Bové Schermerhorn, who resigned.

Wyckofi‘ of Watsonville, treasurer. Judgeéohn C. Sherwin of Mason City, Iowa. became his!’ Judge of the Iowa Supreme Court Jan. 1.

‘Dealh of Senator Elkins Senator Stephen B. Elkins of West Virginia died at Washington Jan. 1, at the age of sixty nine, of blood poisoning. This great railroad pioneer as well as statesman, President Harri son's Secretary of War, was born in Perry county,

He is the oldest member of this body

in point of service, though one of the youngest in uated law He is at by thebirth University an Ohioan, of Wisconsin was “I 1875, and moved to Mason City, Iowa, in 1876.

His father was a farmer,

The law department of Temple University

and moved while he was still a boy to Missouri. He was graduated from the university of that state in 1860 and took up the study of law. Just as he was admitted to the bar the Civil War started, and Mr. Elkins showed his individuality by breaking away from all his home ties to enlist in the Union army. Before the war was over

opened its new quarters in the Wilson Building at 16th and Sansom streets, Philadelphia, on

0., on Sept. 26, 1841.

he left the arm, and in 1864 struck across the

plains to New exico, where two-thirds of the gopulation were Spanish. He mastered that nguage in the course of a year and soon ac quired a large law practice. He was elected to the Legislature and also served as territorial Attorney-General. President Johnson made him territorial United States District Attorney. Mr. Elkins first appeared in Washington as the dele ate to Congress from the territory of New exico in 1873. While he was in Congress he married a daughter of ex-Senator Henry G. Davis of West Virginia. This alliance made him acquainted with great undeveloped resources of that mountainous state. After the expiration of his second Con ressional term he severed his connection with ew Mexico and lived for two Gears in Washington. He found that as a lesterner of national re ute he could make money by looking after egal business of the great interests growing up in the newly developed states. He declared years afterward that he was making $50,000 a year by his practice. Moving

Wednesday evening, Jan. 4.

Dr. Russell H

Conwell, president of Temple University, spolfe of the success which Temple has made. Francis Chapman, dean of the law department, spoke of the work of the school during the nine year! during which he has been connected with it He referred with a great deal of pride to the fact that only one graduate of the law school had failed to pass the examinations of a state board of bar examiners. The law department of Temple has been approved by the state board of bar examiners of New Jersey as well as of Pennsylvania. Recent confirmations by the Senate include the following: Cornelius D. Murane to be United States Judge for the District of Alaska. division No. 2; Clarence J. Roberts to be A550

ciate Justice of the Supreme Court of New Mexico; Edward R. Wright to be Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of New Mexico; Chandler P Anderson of New York to be counsel for the De piartment of State to succeed the late Henry M oyt; J. Reuben Clark, Jr., to be Solicitor for the De ment of State; William T. Thom n to be licitor of the Treasury; George R. alker to be United States Attorney for the District of Alaska, division No. 3; E. H. Randolph to be

to New York, he became interested in railroads

United States Attorney for the western district

and turned his attention more and more to the development of his wife's state in cooperation with her father. Together they conceived the West Virginia Central. Owning as he did in West Virginia hundreds of thousands of acres of timberland and thousands of acrfBB of mines, Mr.

of Louisiana; Alexander Dunnett to be United

Elkins became the uncrowned king of the state. He divided his power with his father-m-law, but

in all their interests they were unlted

He came

States Attorne for the district of Vermont; Bernard S. R ey to be United States Attorne for the district of Alaska, Division No. 2; Fred.


Wetmore to be United States Attorney for the western district of Michigan; Oscar Cain to be United States Attorney for the eastern district of Washington; Frank E. Hinckley to be District Attorney of the United States Court for China.