Page:The Green Bag (1889–1914), Volume 23.pdf/363

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The Legal World


A bill has also been enacted in Massa chusetts permitting the Prison Com

Varying views were expressed at the annual meeting of the American

missioners to release prisoners from the

Academy of Political and Social Science

state prison on parole, whose minimum

in Philadelphia early in April, on the many phases of employers’ liability, workmen’s compensation and voluntary

term is more than two and one half years when they have served at least two-thirds of such minimum term, pro vided, however, that no prisoner shall

be so released until he has served at least two and one half years.


For two days the risks of

modern industry were discussed by such competent observers as Secretary of Commerce Nagel, John Graham Brooks, Walter George Smith, P. Tecumseh Sherman, Miss Crystal Eastman, James

The following joint resolution was

adopted by Congress on April 13: Resolved, etc., That the chairman of the Com mittee on the Library of the Senate, the chair man of the Committee of the Library of the House of Representatives, the Secretary of the Treasury, and the president and secretary of the Alexander Hamilton National Memorial Association, are hereby created a commission with power to select a site upon the property belonging to the United States in the city of Washington, other than the Capitol and Library grounds, for the erection of a statue to Alexander Hamilton, and to have charge of the erection of said statue, for which purpose $100,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary in addition to the funds contributed by the Alexander Hamilton National Memorial Association, is hereby appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated.

A. Lowell, James B. Reynolds, John Mitchell, John Hays Hammond, R. C. Bolling, Senator J. Mayhew Wainwright, Charles P. Neill, Dean William Draper Lewis, Lee K. Frankel, Falcott Wil

liams, Joseph P. Cotton and others. Obituary Judge Ogden. — Judge Charles W. Og den, one of the leading lawyers of Texas, died April 19 at his home in Galveston.

He was general attorney

for the Texas Midland Railroad, the San Antonio Traction Company and other large corporations. Col. B. F. Abbott. ——The lawyer who drafted Atlanta's charter in 1874, Col.


The annual meeting of the Utah Bar Associations was held at Salt Lake City April 8. M. E. Wilson spoke on "Our Ninth Legislature," and Judge White cotton on “The Evaporation of a Con stitution.” The address of the retiring

Benjamin F. Abbott, died in that city April 5, at the age of seventy-two. Until his retirement a few years ago he had been a leading citizen of Atlanta and one of the most prominent lawyers in the state.

president, Charles E. Baldwin, dealt

General Andrew J. Baker.-—General

with fession. the duty The of following the lawyer officers to his were pro.

Andrew Jackson Baker, pioneer Iowa lawyer, died at Centerville, 1a., April 23.


He had been Attomey-General both of

Judge F. C. Loofbourow of Salt Lake, Judge N. J. Harris of Ogden and each of the other judges of the other districts, vice-presidents; Stephen L. Richards,

Iowa and of Missouri. A native of Vir ginia, he spent the greater part of his life in Iowa. He was the author of

secretary; L. B. Swaner, treasurer.

United States," issued in 1891.





“Baker's Annotated Constitution of the