Page:The Green Bag (1889–1914), Volume 23.pdf/37

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The San Francisco Code of Ethics the power to adjudge null and void the acts of the two remaining depart ments. The bar is admonished that an in competent, cowardly _or dishonest iudiciary would, if persisted in, lead to the overthrow of American insti tutions; and that a competent, courage

ous and honest judiciary cannot be looked for if the bar itself is incompetent, cowardly,

dishonest or careless of the

obligations resting upon it as a collective body. The professsion should also bear in mind that the lawyer, in addition to his distinct functions in reference to the judicial branch of the government, has

always been given much prominence in the legislative and executive depart ments; that in the legislative de

partment members of his profession have usually, if not invariably, out numbered the legislators elected from


plished without organized effort, it follows that a local Bar Association should

embrace in its membership each and every reputable member of the bar. The refusal of a member of the bar so to identify himself with the body of his profession at his earliest oppor tunity is a flagrant disregard of pro fessional duty. Each member of the bar is morally bound to perform fairly and thoroughly the work assigned to him by the organ

ized bar. Duties


an inquisitorial or dis

ciplinary character demand not only fairness and impartiality, but the highest degree of moral courage, unselfishness

and backbone. Boards and committees called upon to discharge such duties are, in an important sense, the custo dians of the reputation and dignity of the bar. Shirking of duty on such professional committees in is areprehensible high degree. and un

any other single walk in life, while the chief executives of the state and the nation have, in most instances, been members of the bar. The foregoing considerations, to which

IV. Duty to Maintain High Standard in Personnel 0}‘ Bench and Bar It is the duty of the united bar to

many of a kindred nature might be exert its influence and efforts to the end added. emphasize the vital nature of that those only who are honest, in

the relation of the bar to American telligent' and adequately prepared shall institutions, and point to the supreme

be admitted to the bar;

truth that American patriotism is the keystone of American Legal Ethics. II. Lawyers’ Obligations to the Pro fessional Body To the end that the duties which rest upon the bar as a professional body may be performed, each lawyer is in honor obligated to devote to the

that those

only who maintain their integrity of character shall be permitted to remain there; that those only who are in every way fitted shall be elevated to the bench and that those only whose honesty, industry, afliliations, associations


habits continue to maintain the people’s faith in and respect for the law shall be permitted to remain on the bench.

common cause a fair proportion of his time and labor. III. Organized Efiort Essential

Since it is obvious that the work of

the bar cannot be effectually accom

V. Non- Partisanship in Regard to the Bench It is the duty of the bar to endeavor to prevent political considerations from