Page:The Green Bag (1889–1914), Volume 23.pdf/445

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Reviews of Books


Yet some good men have thought they were Just what the name connoted —— A corporation — just because High sounding names were floated. The tailors three of Tooley street (Their nerve was most astounding)

Thought they could England's people be By just that fact propounding.

What England's people did to them I-Ias long ago been famous, The word that fits their sorry case Is that word — ignoramus.

Yet spite of their unhappy fate

In falsely thus parading, Men still adopt the ruse they took As modern means of trading.

This phantom of false unity — Oh, why will men pursue it?

Are not our laws quite plain enough? Great Coke!

Why will they do it?

Reviews of Books DILLON



Commentaries on the Law of Municipal Corpora tions. B john F. Dillon, LL.D., author of "The Laws an Jurisprudence of England and America"; resident of the American Bar Association 1891-2;

ormerl Circuit Judge of the United States for the eig th judicial circuit, Chief justice of the Supreme Court of Iowa, and Professor of Law in Co umbia University. 5th edition, thoroughly revised and enlarged. 5 v., pp. Ixi, xiii, xii, xiii, 3064 +table of cases and index In one vol. ($32.50 nd, delivered.)

ILLON on Municipal Corporations has long ranked as one of the

ablest of American law treatises. Its reputation has been of the character expressed in the remark of Mr. Justice Bradley of the United States Supreme Court that it is “really one of the legal classics." It has now just appeared in a new fifth edition, but the work in its new form is much more than a revision—it is virtually a new book. The treatise now fills five instead of two volumes, nine new chapters have been

added and the old ones greatly length