Page:The Green Bag (1889–1914), Volume 23.pdf/684

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The Green Bag

within the operation of the principles

returns and is taken into Moulton's

governing as to larceny, acts of virtual theft differing from larceny only in the respect that the original taking of

home as a great hero. Moulton then secures for him the position of secretary of a big car repair

the thing in question was lawful or with the consent of the owner." This


covers the ground fully and adequately and is refreshingly pointed.

The book is divided into two divi sions.

The first part deals with the

rules and principles of the substantive criminal law.

The second covers arrest.

pleading, procedure, and kindred subjects. There is also a collection of forms. The work shows accurate and intelligent handling and will prove a

valuable book for table reference and prosecuting attorneys, judges and law

yers practising in the criminal courts. Where forms in criminal proceedings are so largely a matter of statute or local practice the value of the collection

of forms may be questioned, but we have no hesitation in commending this book to the careful consideration of the profession. A



The Shadow Men. By Donald R. Richberg. Forbes & Co., Chicago. (81.25.)

HE Shadow Men," by Donald R.

Richberg of the Chicago bar, a novel which exhibits seriousness of pur pose and literary instinct, is the weaving

in of a little love afiair into the legal

The books of the concern do

not show that Mr. Moulton owns any of the stock, but there are constant transfers of stock, which make the scape

goat suspiciousof Moulton's transactions. Then charges of graft and fraud are made against the officers by some of the stockholders, and the scapegoat again gets into trouble. He threatens to give away Moulton and his clique rather

than be sent to jail again, but after a conversation with Moulton in which Moulton's daughter plays a prominent part, the scapegoat disappears. Hi5 attorney friend who has been handling his defense suspects that a trip abroad is contemplated, and hurries to New York and finally locates him on a depart ing steamer. He coaxes him to come

back, and they return and stand fol’ trial. The defense interposed urges that the crime charged has been committedv and that the scapegoat is not the guilty These man but menthat higher thereupare aremen designated higher "P 85 “The Shadow Men." .Mr. Richberg has one of his old ex

perienced lawyers, who should know the true facts, criticize the bar in the following harsh terms: — “But what do we find:—a mass of lawyers, well trained in fact, ill trained

in thinking, stupidity at the bottom. and executive end of the big modern busi

ness corporation. wealthy Mr.

There is the big

Moulton, who controls

and directs the actions of the officers

unscrupulousness at the top, uninspired and bewildered mediocrity between practising before judges selected through a political machinery that eliminates

of the corporation, and there is the

scapegoat who assumes all the blame for the illegal acts. Then there is the government investigation, the self-sacri fice of the scapegoat to save the big promoter, and his subsequent convic


Upon his release from prison he

the high-minded, the studious and the impartial, with unerring and partially intentional regularity. We find legis latures, dominated solely by self-interest. tinkering with the fundamental prin ciples of good government, aided, to