Page:The Green Bag (1889–1914), Volume 23.pdf/693

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Latest Important Cases Camorra. At least one such, Avvocato Lioy, is of necessity giving his services for nothing. But it is when the awocato rises to address the court that the distinction between him and his Ameri can brother becomes obvious, for he is an expert speaker. trained in diction,



delivery, and rarely in our own country (save on the sta e or in the pulpit) will one hear such uniform uency and eloquence. Nor is the speech of the advocate less convincing for its excellence, for these young men put a tire and zeal into what they say that compel attention. Cuba. "An English View of Cuba." By Sydney Brooks. Forum, v. 46, p. 461 (Oct.). "The final impression I brought away was that. with all its pretty obvious shortcomings, the Cuban Republic was faring as well as any rational man could expect. that it is the form of

government which the vast majority of the people prefer, and that it has done little to forfeit, and

much to deserve, the sympathetic support of the American people." Detection of Crime.

"The Amateur De

tective. By Harvey J. O'Higgins. McClure's, v. 38, p. 52 (Nov.). Another Burns detective story. In the attempt to run down some counterfeitcrs, Detective Burns found that his amateur detec tive had succeeded only in falling a victim to some confidence men who tried unsuccessfully to get his money. Election Frauds. “Seventeen Hundred Rural Vote-Sellers." By A. Z. Blair. McClure'r, v. 38, p. 29 (Nov.). Written by the district judge who conducted the trial resulting in a remarkable revelation of corruption in the rural electorate of Adams county.

Latest Important Cases Corporations.

Corporation Sole of

Roman Catholic Church Illegal in Penn

sylvania — Church

Property Controlled

by Congregations. The decision of

Pa. the


Supreme Court, which on October 21 set aside the decree of the Lackawanna County court in the suit between Bishop Hoban of the Roman Catholic Church diocese of Scranton, Pa., and the con

gregation of St. Joseph's Lithuanian Church, is far-reaching. The lay mem bers of the congregation who insisted in keeping control of the church property have won their cause. The Court (Stewart J.) said:— “The ofiice of trustee simply of legal

title is not created by ecclesiastic au thority, but created by the law; such trustee can exercise no control whatever over the property held in trust; being an ofiicer created by law and answerable

only to the law, he can derive neither authority nor power from any other



St. Joseph’s Lithuanian con

gregation desires Michael J.


whether described

by his episcopal

ofiice or not, to be the custodian of the legal title to their church property, let

them so declare by a majority vote of the adult male membership, and their choice will not only be respected by the courts, but will by them be enforced if necessary."

Monopolies. Sherman Act Does Not Permit



and Sale of Property of Corporation Violating the Law.

U. S.

The proposed plan of the American Tobacco Company for reorganization was approved by the United States Circuit Court for the southern district of New York in a decision rendered early in November, a comprehensive decree being issued by the Court en joining




any other forms of combinations and agreements in restraint of competition. The Court (Lacombe J.) said:— The Attorney-General has formulated

the request “that the stock of the United