Page:The History of the Island of Dominica.djvu/154

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The History of the

means of obliging ſeveral to quit it, leaving behind them their property.

Theſe were Thomas C——d A——t, W——m R——d, and a M——r C——r. The latter had formerly dealt largely with ſome Engliſh merchants of the iſland, whom he had defrauded of their dues by running away; but returning on this expedition, as chief guide to the troops, he was promoted by the Marquis de Bouillé to the office of chief baker to the forces in the place, as a reward of his treachery. R——d had quitted that country in the ſame clandeſtine manner; but returning with the Marquis, as a volunteer in the cauſe, was by him appointed his moſt Chriſtian Majeſty's Receiver-general of Dominica, C——d A——t had been a number of years a truſtee for the French churchlands in Roſeau, to which office he was appointed by the Engliſh government, at the time of the ceſſion of the country to Great
