Page:The History of the Island of Dominica.djvu/160

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The History of the

Many of the Engliſh inhabitants were impriſoned by him on the ſlighteſt pretence; and one of them, Robert Thou, was actually ſhot by a centinel, for attempting to go on board his own veſſel after nine o'clock at night. This unfortunate young man died a few days after, in the utmoſt torture from his wound, the ball going through his body at the breaſt; and the perpetrator of this horrid murder was raiſed by the Marquis Duchilleau to a higher ſtation in his regiment, for having thus wantonly killed him.

So very apprehenſive was this Governor, that the Engliſh inhabitants were forming deſigns to retake the iſland, or that they held a correſpondence with the enemy at Saint Lucia, that every letter of theirs was opened for his inſpection before it was delivered. And deeming this inſufficient to come at the knowledge of their private tranſactions, he adopted the practice of going himſelf in diſguiſe, or em-
