Page:The History of the Island of Dominica.djvu/166

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The History of the

in reality, only for his lenity to the Engliſh inhabitants of Dominica.

Monſieur du Beaupe ſucceeded this latter; and although he was no great admirer of the Engliſh, yet, during his government, which laſted till the iſland was reſtored, the inhabitants of that deſcription enjoyed ſome little repoſe from their ſufferings, as he made it a point to prevent their being mal-treated by thoſe under his command.

The Iriſh officers of the Brigades being acquainted with the cuſtoms, and ſpeaking the language of the Engliſh, treated them with every civility in their power, during the time they were in the iſland; frequently viſiting them, joining them on parties of amuſement, and rendering them ſeveral little ſervices. And to their praiſe be it mentioned, that on two or three occaſions ſome of them oppoſed the
