Page:The History of the Island of Dominica.djvu/168

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The History of the

After the breaking out of the war with the Dutch, the produce of Dominica was ſent, under Imperial colours, to Oſtend, where the ſugar ſold only from ſix to eight pounds ſterling per hogſhead. This was a great falling off in the price of that commodity, and greatly diſtreſſed the ſugar planters in particular; but to complete their misfortunes, one of thoſe very veſſels, laden with returns to the iſland, was captured by the Americans, who ſold both the ſhip and cargo.

The prices of the different articles in Dominica, the greateſt part of the time of the French government of it, were as follow:

Sugar, from 1l. 4s. to 1l. 10s. per Cwt.
Rum, 2s. per gallon.
Coffee, from 2l. to 2l. 10s. per Cwt.

Of the current money of the iſland, which was at eighty-five per cent, and
