Page:The History of the Island of Dominica.djvu/18

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The History of the

is broader, being of a very irregular figure. It is rugged and mountainous in ſome parts; but ſpacious plains, and fine extenſive vallies are interſperfed throughout the iſland, which are in general very productive.

The climate of this country is hot at times, in places on the ſea coaſt, that are much ſheltered by mountains; but in the open parts of the iſland, at no great diſtance from the ſea ſhore, it is moderately cool at moſt times, and greatly reſembles the climate of England, in ſummer. This is occaſioned by the almoſt conſtant breezes blowing from the mountains, which moderating the heat, render it more ſupportabie than it is, in thofe iſlands of the Weſt Indies that are more level. In the interior mountainous parts, it is perfectly

cool in general; owing to the vaſt quantity of tall woods, and the heavy rains which fall in thoſe places, in ſome part or other almoſt every day; which render it ſo cold, in the night
