Page:The Holy Bible Vol 1 (Thomson).djvu/21

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kind of winged fowls went to Noe into the ark, two and two, a male and a female of all flesh in which is the breath of life. 16 And when they, that were going in, male and female of all flesh, had gone in as God commanded Noe, the Lord God shut up the ark on the outside, 17 and the deluge came on the earth forty days and forty nights. And the water increased exceedingly and lifted up the ark, and it was raised up from the earth. 18 And the water prevailed and was exceedingly increased on the earth: And the ark was borne up above the water. 19 Still the water prevailed more and more on the earth and covered all the high mountains which were under the heaven. 20 Fifteen cubits above was the water raised when it had covered all the high mountains. 21 And all animate flesh on the earth of fowls and cattle and wild beasts and every moving reptile on the earth and every man died. 22 Every thing which hath the breath of life, even every thing which was on the dry land died. 23 It swept away every thing raised up, which was on the face of the earth, man and cattle and reptiles and the fowls of the air. They were swept away from the earth, and Noe alone was left and they who were with him in the ark. 24 And the water was raised up above the earth a hundred and fifty days.

VIII. Now God had remembered Noe and all the beasts and all the cattle and all the fowls and all the reptiles which creep, even all that were with him in the ark; and God brought a wind over the earth and aswaged the water. 2 And the fountains of the abyss were shut up and also the cataracts of heaven and the rain from heaven was stayed: and the water running off from the earth subsided; 3 so after a hundred and fifty days the water was lessened and the ark grounded in the seventh month and twenty seventh day of the month upon the mountains of Ararat. 4 Still the water continued to lessen till the tenth month. 5 And in the tenth month, on the first day of the month, the tops of the mountains appeared. 6 And after forty days Noe opened the window which he had made in the ark and sent forth a raven; 7 and it having gone out did not return till the water was dried up from the earth. 8 So he sent out after it the dove to see if the water was abated from the earth; 9 and the dove finding no resting place for its feet, returned to him