Page:The Indian Biographical Dictionary.djvu/249

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part of Daflapur, 884 square miles; population, about 70,000. Address: Jath Town, Bijapur Agency, Bombay Presidency, India.

Jehangir, Sir Cowasjee, Bart; descendant of Heerje Jehangir, the pioneer of the trade between India and China, and banker to the East India Co; b. 1853; educ: at Elphinstone College, Bombay; one of the largest landed proprietors; Chairman of the Joorla Jubilee and Hope Mills; founded the Jehangir Hall of the Imperial Institute; contributed 3 lakhs, for the erection of the examination hall and four lakhs for Science laboratories for the Bombay Presidency: Fellow of the Bombay University; Justice of the Peace; Delegate for the Parsi Matrimonial Court; Member, Committee of the Bombay Mill Owners Assam; Chairman, Cowasjee Jehangir Girls School, Bombay, and the High School for Boys at Gundvi. Address: Bombay, India.

Jenkins, Sir Lawrence Hugh, Kt. (1899). K.C.I.E., (1908), Chief Justice, High Court, Calcutta; 2nd s. of Richard David Jenkins, Clibrounan, Cardizan; b. 1858; educ: Cheltenham College, Oxford; called to Bar (Lincoln’s Inn) 1883; Bencher. Lincoln’s Inn, 1909; Judge, Calcutta High Court, 1896-09,Chief Justice, High Court, Bombay, 1898-1908; Member of the Council of India, 1908-09; Chief Justice, Calcutta High Court, since 1910; is District Grand Master of Freemasons for Bengal; takes an active part in all important public movements; as a speaker, especially on social questions, he is perhaps unmatched. Address. No. 8, Outram Street, Calcutta, Clibronnan, near Cardigan.

Jenkinson, Sir Edward George, K.C.B.; (1888) s. of late Edward Jenkinson; b. 1836; m. Annabella, d. of Monk Mason, 1865; educ: Harrow; Haileybury Coll; joined Indian Civil Service, 1856; Dy. Collector and Joint Magistrate of Benares, and Parukhabad; served Indian Mutiny; went to Ireland with Karl Spencer as Private Secretarv and was Asst. Under Secy Police (Ireland), 1882. Address: Thurlow, Holloway Hill, Godalming.

Jennings, Colonel Robert Henry, C.S.I. (1904), R.E.; b. 1852; e.s. of late R. Jennings, Woodlawn, Cork; m. 1892, Bessie, d. of late Archibald Gray; educ: Royal Military Academy, Wool wich; travelled extensively in Europe and the East; joined R.E. 1872; served Afghan War, 1879-80; Chief Political Officer, Sir C. Macgregor’s Force Mari Expedition (despatches, medal); Chief Political Officer, Toba Column, 1882; made exploration in Persia, Baluchistan. Helmund, 1884-85; thanked by Commander-in-Chief; Army Staff till 1890: Consul at Basra; Turkish Arabia, 1892; Resident, at Jeypore, 1898; Indore, and W. Rajputana States; on special duty representing H.E. the Viceroy in company with the eldest son of the Amir of Afghanistan during latter’s tour in India, 1904-5. Publications: numerous articles in the Gazetters of Baluchistan, Persia; description of country routes between Bagdad, Nejf, and Karbela, in Mesopotamia and Baluchistan and Persia. Recreations: shooting, fishing. Address: 20, Roland Gardens, S.W. Club: Junior United Service.

Jeypore, Maharaja of; Sri Vikrania Deo Garu; belongs to an ancient family owning a zamindari of