Page:The Indian Biographical Dictionary.djvu/548

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10. Commander-in-Chief of Her Majesty's Naval Forces in the East Indies.

11. Chief Justice of a High Court other than that of Bengal.

12. Bishops of Madras and Bombay.

13. Ordinary Members of Council of Madras and Bombay.

14. Lieutenant-Generals Commanding the Forces, Punjab, Bengal, Madras and Bombay.

15. Chief Commissioners of the Central Provinces and Assam ; Residents at Hyderabad and in Mysore; and Agents to the Governor-General in Rajputana, Central India and Baluchistan.

The Agent to the Governor-General and Chief Commissioner of the North-West Frontier Province ranks in Article 15 of the table (Home Department Notification No. 5923, dated the 1st April 1901). The Chairman of the Railway Board ranks in Article 19 of the table (Home Department Notification No. 699, dated the 13th March 1905).

The Governor of Bengal ranks in Article 2 of the table (Home Department Notification No. 2013, dated the 1st October 1913).

The Ordinary Members of the Council of the Governor of Bengal rank in Article 13 of the table (Home Department Notihcation No. 2013, dated the 1st October 1913).

The Members of the Executive Council of the Lieutenant-Governor of Bihar and Orissa, when within their own jurisdiction, rank immediately above the officers included in Article 14, and when without their jurisdiction, in Article 15 of the table (Home Department Notification No. 2013, dated the 1st October 1913).

The Bishop of Nagpur ranks in Article 20 of the table (Home Department Notification No. 2191, dated the 27th May 1903).

The Joint Secretary to the Government of India in the Public Works Department and the Members of the Railway Board rank in Article 21 of the table (Home Department Notifications No. 1259, dated the 15th June 1S99 and No. 699, dated the 13th March 1905).

The Joint Secretaries to the Government of India rank in Article 21 of the table (Home Department Notification No. 2013, dated the 1st October 1913).

For the purposes of the Warrant of Precedence for India, the service of the Members of the Indian Civil Service is calculated from the date of commencement of their service as shown in the Civil List (Home Department letter No. 2325, dated the 27th October 1904).

16. Puisne Judges of a High Court.

17. Chief Judge of a Chief Court.

18. Military Officers above the rank of Major-General.

19. Additional Members of the Council of the Governor-General for making Laws and Regulations.

20. Bishops of Lahore, Rangoon and Lucknow,

21. Secretaries to the Government of India.
