Page:The International Socialist Review (1900-1918), Vol. 1, Issue 1.pdf/56

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International Socialist Review

to create much more wealth for their masters than ever before and she too started out to hawk the wares of her ruling class among the less developed people of Northern Asia. Japan, with that rapidity of imitation that has ever distinguished her as a nation and as a people, "caught on" in remarkably short time. Almost before the observer had time to realize that feudalism was going, fully developed capitalism was enthroned and a policy of isolation in foreign affairs had been transformed into one of "imperialism and expansion."

Up until a very short time America had seemed to present the appearance of an exception to this rule. While it was as fully developed in capitalism as any nation in the world it had always preached the doctrine of non-intervention in foreign politics. But a closer examination reveals the fact that this is one of those exceptions that obey the rule in its closest detail. The capitalists of America have always had, in the Western frontier, an almost exhaustless "foreign market," where finished products could be exchanged for raw materials in the same way as in any far off savage land. But this situation came to an end. The frontier disappeared beneath a series of those waves of desperate expropriated humanity that are ever rolling across the troubled sea of modern capitalism. All the world now knows what followed. The traditions having served their purpose were now cast aside and America started upon her policy of imperialism.

This gave a new appearance to the whole international situation. To understand the "foreign policies" of the great capitalists of today take a Mercators Projection of the world and study it carefully. Note, not the "thin red line," but the great bloodstained band that marks the lands now in the grip of English capitalism. Note how the Sahara is girt round with a vari-colored girdle of the various European possessions. It will soon be seen that the "hunting grounds" of the capitalists of the future must be confined to a very limited area.

Indeed there is but one great expanse of territory on the planet not yet invaded. Surrounded by impassable mountain chains and protected by a fanatical wall of custom the great Chinese empire has managed up to the present time to repel the assault of this world empire of exploitation.

But this can continue no longer. The great capitalist nations of the world are gathering for the final feast. China offers an opportunity for further exploitation and that is the only point that will receive any consideration. The hands of the possessing class of the world are laden with plunder taken from their wage-slaves at home, which must be disposed of if wage slavery and exploitation are to continue.

Turn again to the map and notice how this buzzard flock are gathering for their feast. At the North the Russian bear is drawing ever closer. Crowding in between him and his proposed