Page:The Kobzar of the Ukraine.pdf/102

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And they kill them.
Oh gentlemen, Christian gentlemen!"

My grey old man, with sorrow beaten,
Ceased, and bent his brave old head.
The evening sun gilded the woods,
The river and fields were covered with gold.
Mazeppa's cathedral in whiteness shines;
Great Bogdan's tomb is gleaming,
The willows bend o'er the road to Kiev,
And hide the Three Brothers' ancient graves.
Trubail and Alta, mid the reeds
Approach, unite in sisterly embrace.
Everything, everything gladdens the eyes,
But the heart is sad and will not see.
The glowing sun has bade farewell
To the dark land.
The round moon rises with her sister star,
Out they step from behind the clouds.
The clouds rejoiced
But the old man gazed,
And his tears rolled down.
"I pray Thee, merciful God,
Mighty Lord, Heavenly Judge,
Suffer me not to perish;
Grant me strength to overcome my woe.
To live out my life on these sacred hills;
To glorify Thee and rejoice in Thy beauty,
And at last, though beaten by the people's sins.