Page:The Lucknow album 1874 by Darogha Ubbas Alli.djvu/57

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its durability by not requiring any repairs since it was built. It lias no particular claims to architectural beauty, but the view from its parapets, up and down the river Goomptee, is extremely picturesque. Many inaccuracies concerning this river have crept into history. Heber described it as a broad and rapid river. Wordsworth, on the contrary, said it was a narrow insignificant stream, the water of which was undrinkable on account of the quantity of yellow earth, or mud, held in solution : he further observed that, when sickness prevailed in the city, the water became poisonous and a quantity of putrid scum floated on the surface from the number of dead bodies thrown into it. The truth is, that the Goomptee takes its rise in the swamps of Pillibheet on the borders of Oudh ; in the flood season it is broad and rapid ; in the dry season it sometimes almost disappears.

It is navigable, almost to its source and falls into the Ganges near[1] Patna. The water is pure and, when filtered, drinkable as that of other rivers in India.




View No. 38.

This Fort is adjacent to the stone bridge ; it stands on an eminence and is supposed to be the original centre around which the city of Lucknow sprang up. Two centuries have elapsed since it was made into a fort, and it may now be con- sidered as the citadel of Lucknow. After the annexation many alterations and improvements were made, and it was strongly garrisoned, but it never gave much promise of strength. There is an old tradition to the effect that, he

who holds Muchee Bhawun might, in time of trouble, safely

  1. Between Ghazepur and Banaras.